Backlinks to MatchingUnit in DaqSlowControl Web (Search all webs)

Results from DaqSlowControl web retrieved at 17:38 (Local)

DAQ Upgrade This document gives an overview of why and how we want to upgrade our HADES DAQ/Trigger System. The upgrade at a glance : ) . Motivation for an Upgr...
Here we collect documentation for the Hades DAQ. Global DAQ issues 1 GeneralDaqOperation 1 DaqCheckList ( things which should be checked before a beamtime)...
List of Concurrent VME CPUs and their MAC addresses DNS names are always: hadcXX, where XX is the number down in the table. No location means: At GSI on Michaels ...
What the MU does in words.... One comment about downscaling and triggered flag in the MU data These flags are not correlated. The MU always (for every event) det...
Here is the code (in the attachment): matching.c and trigger.c are the most interesting files I think.... Main.MichaelTraxler 16 Jun 2005
/* Version: $Source: /var/www/hades,v $ $Id: MatchingUnitDataFormat.txt,v 1.7 2006/01/23 13:28:19 Micha...
## README ## $Source: /var/www/hades,v $ ## $Id: MatchingUnitExperts.txt,v 1.6 2006/04/21 08:45:52 HadesDa...
Hello, if you want to change the LVL2 Trigger settings do the following: go to one of the lxi machines (user hadaq): $ ssh hades@lxi016 then go to /u/hades/hades...
Main.MarekPalka 29 May 2006 * XilinxPart * CypressPart * JamProgramming
The TIP has to provide theta and phi of lepton candidates for the Matching Unit. Therefore it needes the calibration parameters of the TOF detector. There is no a...
This text is stolen from Michael Bhmer: http://www A summary of the HADES trigger codes On this page you can find a summar...
Number of topics: 11
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