
  • Where to find
    • Etrax FS fimage for flashing:
      • hadaq@depc187:/home/hadaq/etrax_soft/etrax_fs/devboard-R2_20/
    • Etrax FS fimage for debugging:
      • hadaq@hadeb05:/home/hadaq/soft/new/etrax_fs/devboard-R2_20/
      • kernel patch advised by Axis was applied but there is still problem with copying big files to a flash.
    • Etrax MCM fimage for flashing:
      • hadaq@hadeb05:/home/hadaq/soft/new/etrax_mcm/gen_image/out_image/etrax2??/

  • MAC addresses
    • ETRAX FS boards: etrax[000-099]=00:40:8C:AD:E5:[01-99], for example etrax001=00:40:8C:AD:E5:01
    • ETRAX FS boards: etrax[100-199]=00:40:8C:AD:E6:[01-99], for example etrax100=00:40:8C:AD:E6:00
    • ETRAX MCM boards: etrax[201-250]=00:40:8C:AD:E5:[A1-F0]


SDK 2.20

  • Path: hadeb05:/home/hadaq/soft/new/etrax_mcm/devboard-R2_20/
  • Linux kernel 2.6.26

  • source init_env
           export AXIS_TOP_DIR=`command pwd`
           echo "Prepending \"$AXIS_TOP_DIR/tools/build/bin\" to PATH."
           export PATH="$AXIS_TOP_DIR/tools/build/bin:$PATH"
           echo "Prepending \"/home/hadaq/soft/cris/bin\" to PATH."
           export PATH="/home/hadaq/soft/cris/bin:$PATH"
           export AXIS_KERNEL_DIR="$AXIS_TOP_DIR/os/linux-2.6"
  • ./configure
  • make menuconfig
  • Do settings discribed below.
  • Do kernel configuration if needed (some drivers might be missing)
    • cd os/linux-2.6/
    • make menuconfig
    • Change settings
  • ./configure
  • make
  • Look at the final target system in target/cris-axis-linux-gnu/

  • packages/initscripts/init_rc/rc.
    • This script executed rc.local.
                 #! /bin/sh
                 . /etc/init.d/
                 begin "Init /etc/rc.local"
                 while [ ! -e "/etc/rc.local" ]
                    sleep 1
                 end $?
    • Do not forget Makefile and .target-makefrag: AXIS_BUILDTYPE=cris-axis-linux-gnu
    • In configure-files/common/common put at the very end the following:
                 # start 'rc' script after all init script
                 sub packages/initscripts/init_rc
                 # needed for NFS
                 sub packages/initscripts/portmap

  • packages/filesystem/
    • packages/filesystem/rc.local. This script has hard-coded MAC, gets IP and nfs-server name via DHCP (nfs-server IP goes to /etc/resolv.conf), mounts /home/hadaq via nfs.
                 #/etc/init.d/net.eth0 stop 
                 ip link set eth0 address $MAC 
                 ip link set eth0 up
                 export DHCP=1
                 /etc/init.d/net.eth0 restart 
                 sleep 5
                 nfs_ip=`tail -n1 /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'`
                 ping -c 2 ${nfs_ip}
                 mount -v -o proto=tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 ${nfs_ip}:/var/diskless/etrax /home/hadaq
                 sleep 1
                 if [ ! -e "/home/hadaq/etc" ] ; then
                     mount -v -o proto=tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 ${nfs_ip}:/var/diskless/etrax /home/hadaq
                 sleep 1
                 . /home/hadaq/etc/rc
    • Files pmap_dump pmap_set portmap must be in packages/filesystem/. Needed for NFS RPC.
    • packages/filesystem/Makefile. This Makefile contains all file system structure.
                 $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 rc.local   $(prefix)/etc
                 $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -d         $(prefix)/home
                 $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -d         $(prefix)/home/hadaq
                 $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 portmap   $(prefix)/sbin
                 $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 pmap_set   $(prefix)/sbin
                 $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 pmap_dump   $(prefix)/sbin

  • Partitions: one must be careful with changing sizes of partitions. This can lead to an error and force read-only file system during boot. Total size is 4 MB.

  • Network settings:
    • To enable DHCP check packages/initscripts/net.eth0/conf. It must contain BOOTPROTO=dhcp.
    • Default MAC is set in packages/initscripts/mac/conf. But MAC given in packages/filesystem/rc.local is used.

  • Time synch via ntpdate (this is done for R2_20)
    • Executable: devboard-R2_20/apps/ntpdate/. To compile automatically copy to apps/ntpdate/ and run the script. Or compile by hand:
      • First compile libntp: you should not compile systime_s.c to avoid multiple definition errors. Then compile ntpdate.
      • Copy ntpdate to /var/diskless/etrax/bin/.
    • packages/filesystem/rc.local => /home/hadaq/etc/rc :
               /home/hadaq/bin/ntpdate $NFS_IP
               export PATH="$PATH:/home/hadaq:/home/hadaq/bin:/home/hadaq/scripts"

  • Prompt
    • packages/shell/ash/profile/prompt/ PS1="[$HOSTNAME:$PWD]"

    • packages/initscripts/hostname/conf: HOSTNAME="etrax101"

Howto flash image:
On hadeb05 under root execute: boot_linux -d eth1 -F -i ./fimage. Where eth1 - GSI network, eth0 - local network.

Howto produce images for many Etrax MCM:
  • cd /home/hadaq/soft/new/etrax_mcm/gen_image/
  • To produce images for etrax101,102,103 execute perl script: ./ -e 101 -e 102 -e 103
    • Script will replace MAC address in rc.local and mac/conf, set HOSTNAME and reconfigure and recompile kernel
    • The final images will go to /home/hadaq/soft/new/etrax_mcm/gen_image/out_image/etrax10?


SDK 2.20

  • Path: hadeb05:/home/hadaq/soft/devboard-R2_20/
    • Linux kernel 2.6.26
  • Path: depc187:/home/hadaq/etrax_soft/etrax_fs/devboard-R2_20/
    • Linux kernel 2.6.26

Scheme of mapping temp sensor numbers to MAC addresses:
  • packages/filesystem/id2macTable : map of temp sensor numbers to MAC addresses.
  • packages/filesystem/tempid2mac : shell script to extract MAC address from a map.
  • packages/filesystem/tempsens->../../apps/tempsens/tempsens : binary for extracting temp sensor number.

  • packages/filesystem/
    • Files pmap_dump pmap_set portmap must be in packages/filesystem/. Needed for NFS RPC.
    • Also script tempid2mac to get MAC address from id2macTable must be in packages/filesystem/.
                 TEMPID=`tempsens | grep ID | awk '{print $2}'`     #get ID from app: tempsens
                 LINE=`cat /etc/id2macTable | awk '{if($1==tempid) print $2}' tempid=$TEMPID`
                 echo $LINE
    • Make soft links: tempsens -> ../../apps/tempsens/tempsens; id2macTable -> ../../id2macTable
    • packages/filesystem/rc.local. This script has hard-coded MAC, gets IP and nfs-server name via DHCP (nfs-server IP goes to /etc/resolv.conf), mounts /home/hadaq via nfs. Export NFS_IP for time synch via ntpdate.
                 while [ ! -e "/sbin/tempid2mac" ]
                    sleep 1
                 /etc/init.d/net.eth0 stop
                 ip link set eth0 address $MAC
                 ip link set eth0 up
                 export DHCP=1
                 /etc/init.d/net.eth0 restart
                 sleep 5
                 nfs_ip=`tail -n1 /etc/resolv.conf |awk '{print $2}'`
                 mount -v ${nfs_ip}:/var/diskless/etrax_fs /home/hadaq
                 mount -o size=4M -t tmpfs tmpfs /dev/shm
                 sleep 1
                 if [ ! -e "/home/hadaq/etc" ] ; then
                     mount -v ${nfs_ip}:/var/diskless/etrax_fs /home/hadaq
                 export NFS_IP=${nfs_ip}
                 sleep 1
                 . /home/hadaq/etc/rc
    • Add to the end of packages/filesystem/Makefile:
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 portmap       $(prefix)/sbin
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 pmap_set      $(prefix)/sbin
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 pmap_dump     $(prefix)/sbin
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -d                    $(prefix)/home/hadaq
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 id2macTable   $(prefix)/etc
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 rc.local      $(prefix)/etc
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 tempsens      $(prefix)/sbin
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 tempid2mac    $(prefix)/sbin
    • Add init_rc and portmap to configure-files/common/common like it is done for ETRAX MCM
  • Login (bash shell sequence):
    • /etc/profile (packages/shell/ash/profile/common/profile)
                 export ENV HOSTNAME
                 . /home/hadaq/etc/profile
    • /etc/shrc
                 for FILE in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do            
                   if [ -x $FILE ]; then                   
                      . $FILE                         
                 unset FILE
    • /etc/profile.d/ (packages/shell/ash/profile/path/
                 [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ] && PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:$PATH"
                 export PATH
    • /etc/profile.d/ (packages/shell/ash/profile/prompt/
    • /home/hadaq/etc/profile (lxhadesdaq:/var/diskless/etrax_fs/etc/profile)
                 export HOSTNAME=`/home/hadaq/bin/hostname`
                 export HOSTIP=`/home/hadaq/bin/hostip`

  • Time synch via ntpdate
    • Executable: devboard-R2_20/apps/ntpdate/. To compile automatically copy to apps/ntpdate/ and run the script. Or compile by hand:
      • First compile libntp: you should not compile systime_s.c to avoid multiple definition errors. Then compile ntpdate.
      • Copy ntpdate to /var/diskless/etrax/bin/.
    • packages/filesystem/rc.local => /home/hadaq/etc/rc :
               /home/hadaq/bin/ntpdate $NFS_IP
               export PATH="$PATH:/home/hadaq:/home/hadaq/bin:/home/hadaq/scripts"

  • Readout with DMA needs the following change:
    • packages/udev/iop_fw_load-R1_1_0/iop_fw_load
                echo 1 > /sys/$DEVPATH/loading
                cat $HOTPLUG_FW_DIR/$FIRMWARE > /sys/$DEVPATH/data
                echo 0 > /sys/$DEVPATH/loading
                exit 0

Howto flash image:
  • On hadeb05
    • Login as root; cd /home/hadaq/soft/devboard-R2_20/; source init_env
    • Switch BOOTSEL to 'A' (netboot) on the TRB and reset the board.
    • Execute: boot_etraxfs -d eth0 -F -i ./fimage. Where eth1 - GSI network, eth0 - local network.
    • Switch BOOTSEL to '0' and reset the TRB.
    • Check on the server that the board's MAC address is in the DHCP config file and IP is in /etc/hosts.
  • On hadesdaq02 for TRBs in cave in HADES VLAN
    • Login as root; cd /home/hadaq/etrax_soft/etrax_fs/devboard-R2_20/; source init_env
    • fimage should be copied to hadesdaq02 beforehand. On hadesdaq02 you cannot build fimage, you can only flash!
    • Switch BOOTSEL to 'A' and use boot_etraxfs d eth1 -F -i ./fimage to flash fimage. After flashing switch BOOTSEL to '0'.
    • Once you have fimage with proper block sizes flashed, you can use FTP to upgrade kernel and file system (you do not need to switch BOOTSEL):
      • ftp etraxp054
      • login as root
      • Run command: put fimage flash_all

-- SergeyYurevich - 16 Dec 2009

ETRAX FS, SDK 2.20, fast configuration step-by-step

  1. Download tarballs (devboard-R2_20.tar.gz, cris-dist-1.64-1.i386.rpm) from
  2. Unpack them and install
  3. cd devboard-R2_20/; source init_env; ./configure
  4. Select which product configuration to use: 6. fs_nor
  5. For flash memory used in TRBv2:
    • Use flash.c instead of ./devboard-R2_20/tools/build/fsboot/cbl/flash.c
    • Use cfi_probe.c instead of ./devboard-R2_20/os/linux-2.6/drivers/mtd/chips/cfi_probe.c
    • Use axisflashmap.c instead of ./devboard-R2_20/os/linux-2.6/arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/axisflashmap.c
    • Use readinode.c instead of ./devboard-R2_20/os/linux-2.6/fs/jffs2/readinode.c
    • Use config instead of ./devboard-R2_20/os/linux-2.6/.config
    • Use axis_config.h instead of ./devboard-R2_20/axis_config.h
  6. All NOR-flashes Axis have used have 64 kByte erase blocks while our flash chip (PC28F256P30B85 Intel StrataFlash Embedded Memory) has 128 kByte erase blocks. This means that we have to patch with configure_erase_block.patch the AXIS SDK to be able to set 128 kByte erase blocks.
    • cd devboard-R2_20/; patch -p 0 < configure_erase_block.patch

After patching we have to set 'Flash memory block size' to 131072 Bytes or 0x20000 in hex (when running 'make menuconfig'). This will generate new Makefile with --eraseblock=131072 option:
            $$SORTDIR mkfs.jffs2 --little-endian \
                --pagesize=$(PAGE_SIZE) \
                --cleanmarkers --eraseblock=0x20000 \
                --pad=$(PSIZE_jffs2_0) \
                --root=. > $(INAME_jffs2_0) ; \
  1. cd devboard-R2_20/; make menuconfig
    • Hardware Configuration
      • Processor ETRAX FS
      • (0x20000) Flash memory block size (bytes)
      • [*] Partition table
      • Partition table configuration:
        • (0x020000) Rescue partition size
        • (0x340000) Flash1 size
        • (0x4A0000) Flash2 size
        • (1) MTD partition number for rescue partition
        • (2) MTD partition number for kernel partition
        • (4) MTD partition number for rootfs partition
        • (3) MTD partition number for rwfs partition
        • [*] USB Device Filesystem
      • (A1) Control button address
    • General Configuration
      • Linux kernel (Linux 2.6.x)
      • Kernel serial console port (Serial port 0)
      • [*] Enable udev
      • Shell (dash)
      • [*] Start a console shell
    • Network Hardware Configuration
      • [*] Enable Ethernet support
      • (1) Network interfaces
      • (eth0) Device name for interface 1
    • Network Protocol Configuration
      • [*] Enable DHCP support
      • TELNETD support (Enable utelnetd support)
    • Network Application Configuration
      • [*] Enable ipsetd support
      • SSH support (No ssh support)
      • [*] Enable FTP client support
      • [*] Enable IPtables support
    • Debug Configuration
      • [*] Enable strace support
    • Libraries Configuration
      • [*] Enable OpenSSL support
      • Standard C library (glibc)
  2. cd apps/; tar -xvf tempsens.tar; cd apps/tempsens; make clean; make
  3. cd packages/initscripts; tar -xvf init_rc.tar
  4. cd packages/initscripts; tar -xvf portmap.tar
  5. Add init_rc, portmap to configure-files/common/common like described above for ETRAX MCM
  6. cp id2macTable devboard-R2_20/.
  7. cd packages/filesystem/
    • ln -s ../../apps/tempsens/tempsens tempsens
    • ln -s ../../id2macTable id2macTable
  8. Install stuff needed for NFS:
    • cd apps;
    • cvs -d checkout etrax_apps_r20/tcp_wrappers_7.6
    • cd tcp_wrappers_7.6/; Adapt paths in Makefile
    • make linux
    • cd apps/etrax_apps_r20/; ln -s tcp_wrappers_7.6 tcp_wrappers
    • cvs -d checkout etrax_apps_r20/portmap_5beta
    • cd portmap_5beta/; Adapt paths in Makefile
    • make
    • cp pmap_dump pmap_set portmap packages/filesystem/.
  9. Prepare packages/filesystem/
    • cd packages/filesystem/
    • cp rc.local packages/filesystem/
    • cp tempid2mac packages/filesystem/
    • ln -s ../../apps/tempsens/tempsens tempsens
    • ln -s ../../id2macTable id2macTable
    • Add these changes to packages/filesystem/Makefile
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 rc.local      $(prefix)/etc
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -d                    $(prefix)/home
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -d                    $(prefix)/home/hadaq
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 portmap       $(prefix)/sbin
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 pmap_set      $(prefix)/sbin
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 pmap_dump     $(prefix)/sbin
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 id2macTable   $(prefix)/etc
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 rc.local      $(prefix)/etc
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 tempsens      $(prefix)/sbin
              $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0777 tempid2mac    $(prefix)/sbin
  10. ./configure
  11. make

If you want to change only partition sizes then it is enough to run in the main directory:
  • Change partition sizes: make menuconfig
  • Change a byte-offset in kernel configuration (0x020000 gives a byte-offset of 131072):
    • make -C packages/os/linux-2.6 menuconfig
      • Drivers for built-in interfaces ---> (131072) Byte-offset of partition table sector
  • Build a new kernel: make -C packages/os/linux-2.6 install
  • ./configure
  • make images

-- SergeyYurevich - 15 Dec 2009

Flash TRB v1:

  1. to take 'root' permission, type su,
  2. change directory for hadeb05:/home/hadaq/soft/devboard-R2_01/
  3. type . init_env
  4. set SW1 on the board to 3 [from 7]
  5. ./flashit -d eth1 -i ./de-etrax0XX/fimage, where XX is number of TRB
  6. set SW1 on the board to 7 [from 3]

Flash TRB v2

  1. to take 'root' permission, type su,
  2. type . init_env
  3. change directory for hadeb05:/home/hadaq/soft/devboard-fsv2/
  4. boot_etraxfs -d eth1 -i ./de-etrax0XX/kimage, where XX is number of TRB

Flash TRB v2 permanently

  1. to take 'root' permission, type su,
  2. type . init_env
  3. change directory for hadeb05:/home/hadaq/soft/devboard-R2_10/
  4. boot_etraxfs -d eth0 -F -i ./fimage
  5. set SW1 on the board to 0 [from A]

to start DAQ for 1 TRB:

  1. trb_ip - contains the IP of trb for other scripts,
  2. INIT_FPGA - to program FPGA,
  3. RESET_TDC - to reset TDCs on the TRB [before that one has to reset CTU],
  4. START_READOUT - to start readout on TRB [after that one has to start CTU],
  5. EVTBUILDER - open eventbuilder, netmem and sniffer.

to start DAQ for 3 TRB:

  1. trb_ip , trb_ip2 , trb_ip3 ,

another things:
  1. LOG_IN - to log into trb.

New Software Development Kit (SDK) for TRB:

  • Working directory: radek@depc187:~/devboard-R2_1
  • Set environment: . init_env
  • Voltage switch in the lab in GSI:, user: admin, pass: oscypeczek smile
How to compile the application for the board
  1. You have to create new directory in the ~/devboard-work_2.4/apps/
  2. Type: make cris-axis-linux-gnu in the ~/devboard-work_2.4/ directory
  3. Copy some Makefile for example from ~/devboard-work_2.4/apps/hello/ to your directory and modify it
  4. Write the application
  5. Copy binary file to the /home/hadaq on the board, by typing: scp binary_file hadaq@lxhadesdaq:/var/diskless/etrax/

How to compile the new kernel
  1. Go to the radek@depc187:~/devboard-work_2.4/os/linux directory
  2. Change the kernel make menuconfig
  3. Use the script ~/devboard-work_2.4/os/linux/ COMMENT_WORD . This script creates the copy of your .config file, configures the target and makes images. You have to only flash it to the board.

In this page, I'm using linux directory as linux-2.6.
  • to change something one should use:
    • configuration scripts: ./configure [-v]; ./make menuconfig; ./os/linux/make menuconfig; ./make
    • configuration files ./packages; ./configure-files/
    • rememmber that ./Makefile is generated by ./configure script

ALERT! In the c./onfigure-files/common/common one has to remove all lines with the 'status_led' or 'set_led', because we dont have any default diods on the portB, you can do this by changing ./configure-files/common/common file.
ALERT! Turn off DHCP in './packages/initscripts/net.eth0/conf' -> comment the line:
DHCP_CLIENT="/sbin/udhcpc -i eth0 -H $(hostname)" and set BOOTPROTO="none"
ALERT! To flash any image, log in as 'radek' on the '', go to the ./devboard-work_2.4 directory, set the environment, by typing . init_env, and now you can use ./flashitall

TIP If something is strange(new settings in kernel doesn't work(especial the waitstate during the ./flashit)), use:
make mrproper !!!. %BR The best way to be ensure that we put good version of kernel FOR NOW :
    ./os/linux/make menuconfig
    cp .config config
    make mrproper
    cp config .config
    make menuconfig= =exit with any changes
    cd ../..
    cp os/linux/.config ./kernelconfig
see ./os/linux/
TIP If you want to change IP number, you have to 'flashit'
TIP if Verification...Error at 0x8000002 if you put the kernel to the exis_board: you are usind wrong CO:wqNFIG_ETRAX_DEF_R_WAITSTATES. It should be 9aa6
TIP somethimes you have to 'make menuconfig' in os/linux (if you see some errors in os/linux directory)
TIP one dont has to do 'make' in os/linux. Instead this one has to 'make' in ./devboard (but somethimes it helps)
TIP if you want to use shared memory, add the proper line:
partition fstab  type=tmpfs  dev=tmpfs     mpoint=/dev/shm mopts=defaults dump=0 pass=0
to the ./configure-files/common/common file
and add $(INSTALL) -d $(DEV)/shm to ./packages/devices/standard/Makefile
and add the proper line to the ./packages/filesystem/Makefile TIP if you want to use device mem,put the line: $(MKNOD) -m 0644 $(DEV)/mem c 1 1 to ./packages/devices/axis-2.4/Makefile
TIP to remove some initialize scripts, one has to comment the proper line in the ./Makefile in the section SUBDIRS. This line will be start from packages/initscripts.
TIP if you want to add some directory to the structure, see ./packages/filesystem/Makefile
TIP to change size of partiions, use ./make menuconfig and Hardware Configuration section
TIP to use NFS:
  1. put in the file ./configure-files/common/common to the section Images, partition table and fstab the following line:
partition fstab  type=nfs dev= mpoint=/home/hadaq mopts=nolock,noauto dump=0 pass=0
  1. In the ./configure-files/common/common file add the line sub packages/initscripts/mount_nfs
  2. Copy mountall-R1_0_1 into mount_nfs in the ./packages/initscripts/ directory. Enter to this and change the install: section in the Makefile to this one:
        $(INSTALL) $(OWN) -m 0755 rc $(prefix)/etc/init.d/mount_nfs
        $(LN) -sf ../init.d/mount_nfs "$(prefix)"/etc/rc3.d/S99mount_nfs
and in the rc file the proper line:
         begin "Mounting network filesystem"
         mount -v /home/hadaq
TIP If you want change the PATH, or add the MANPATH variable in the init_env script, go to the file and see ./configure-files/source/functions to the section function path.
see manual by typing: man -l ./configure-files/source/documentation/man/man3/functions.3
TIP If you want to change MAC address, see packages/initscripts/mac/rc and packages/initscripts/mac/conf, see scripts
TIP If you are using 'flashitall', you erase SERNO (serial number) variable,. You can put it by bootblocktool -a SERNO 00408CCD00XX on the board.(put the real numbers for XX
TIP If you want to change the PATH variable on the board, see ./packages/initscripts/common/linuxrc
TIP If you want to change ptablespec go to the file configure-files/common/common to the section Images, partition table and fstab. For example, if you want to change permission, change csum to 'no'
TIP If you want to change something in the environment, add e.g. PATH , add the line PATH=/home/hadaq/:$PATH to the packages/shell/ash/profile/common/profile
TIP If you want to add some file to the filesystem on the board, see packages/filesystem/Makefile
TIP If you get segmantation fault, when you start daq_evtbuilder probably, shared memory was not set. Check taht /dev/shm exist and tmpfs is mounted there
TIP The size Flash Memory is 4MB. It is divided into Rescue, Flsh1 and Flash2 partitions. You can change the size of these partitions in he followong steps:
  1. type: make menuconfig in the main directory,
  2. enter to the Hardware configuration
    Remember the sum of all partitions couldn't be more than size of the Flash Memory
    TIP ./reconfigure script uses the DEV_BOARD_PRODUCT to set the type of the AXIS product. I put by hand this variable to this script as devboard_82
    TIP every changes in ./devboard-work/make menuconfig are stored in axis_config.h and in .config files

HELP ./ HOST Prepare the particular settings for the HOST, which will be used in ./make
HELP ./os/linux/ COMMENT_WORD Use this scripts after ./os/linux/make menuconfig to be sure that you are using proper version of kernel

  1. change from old 2.4 kernel
  2. disable the SCSI and USB options

  1. There is no portmap on the board(therefore we are using nfs with -nolock option)
Kernel Module
TIP There are exported kernel symbols in the /proc/ksyms file
TIP If in your library, make was created symbols with _, instead of symbols without _, you have to add -mlinux option to your Makefile

SDK for Etrax FS:

Compiling cris-dist-1.63-v32 :
  1. Problem with format_reg, format_sup_reg, print_with_operands you have to change the lines in the file binutils/opcodes/cris-dis.c
static char *format_reg
   PARAMS ((struct cris_disasm_data *, int, char *, enum cris_disass_family));
static char *format_sup_reg
   PARAMS ((unsigned int, char *, enum cris_disass_family)); 
static void print_with_operands
  PARAMS ((const struct cris_opcode *, unsigned int, unsigned char *,
           bfd_vma, disassemble_info *, const struct cris_opcode *,
           unsigned int, unsigned char *, enum cris_disass_family));
static char *format_reg
   PARAMS ((struct cris_disasm_data *, int, char *, boolean));
static char *format_sup_reg
   PARAMS ((unsigned int, char *, boolean));
static void print_with_operands
  PARAMS ((const struct cris_opcode *, unsigned int, unsigned char *,
           bfd_vma, disassemble_info *, const struct cris_opcode *,
           unsigned int, unsigned char *, boolean));
  1. Add to the $PATH the path to the new cris-v32 crosscompiler.
  2. Install a fresh SDK use the ./install script. When asked which product to configure for press enter to use the default.
  3. Run the make menuconfig > in section Hardware Configuration change the Processor for =ETRAX FS.
  4. Run the configure script to download all packages. If configure says the compiler is too new -> edit ./configure-files/source/functions and comment the lines 2339-2342.
  5. Copy a FS enabled kernelconfig-2.6 to the SDK root directory.
  6. make init_env && . init_env
  7. make -C packages/os/linux-2.6 crisv32-axis-linux-gnu
  8. make -C packages/os/linux-2.6 menuconfig. Remember in section Hardware setup the Processor type should be ETRAX-FS-V32 and DRAM size = 128.
  9. make
  10. To flash the board use the boot_etraxfs script.
    1. To write the whole flash using the host NIC eth1: boot_etraxfs -F -i /path/to/fimage -d eth1;
    2. To write the whole flash except the rescue partition use: boot_etraxfs -f -i /path/to/fimage;
    3. To upload the kernel image into ram and execute it from there use: boot_etraxfs -i /path/to/kimage;

It is describes on the web:
TIP I have to force 10Mb connection, because my server was too busy > =ethtool -s eth0 autoneg off speed 10 duplex full

Additional tips needed for development board:

  1. Modify CONFIG_ETRAX_FLASH_BUSWIDTH to 4 in kernelconfig
    TIP If you coundn't compile os directory, unchanged it and try again
    When I tried this, the kernel is not compiling anymore! And I even found in the sourcecode, that it is not implemented, so keep it at 2
  2. Modify CONFIG_ETRAX_SDRAM_GRP0_CONFIG to 0x156c in kernelconfig
  3. In packages/romfs_meta/common/Makefile remove the line than contains mnt.romfs_meta.txt
  4. Modify the file packages/romfs_meta/common/mnt.romfs_meta.txt by removing the whole contents of the file and rebuild the package with make -C packages/romfs_meta/common install. (This causes the /etc directory to be part of the cramfs file system instead of being writable).
  5. Modify the file packages/initscripts/common/linuxrc by commenting out the whole section starting with MOUNT= , ending with the first 'fi' after that and rebuild the package with make -C packages/initscripts/common install. (This stops the init script from trying to mount the jffs2 filesystem).
  6. Overwrite packages/os/linux-2.6/Makefile with file in the Attachment
  • Makefile: packages/os/linux-2.6/Makefile
  1. Modify os/linux-2.6/arch/cris/drivers/axisflashmap.c in the function init_axis_flash :
    mymtd->read(mymtd, CONFIG_ETRAX_PTABLE_SECTOR, 512, &len, page); --> mymtd=NULL
    mymtd = flash_probe(); --> mymtd = NULL; this is not necessary ?
  2. Modify the kernel as follows: do make -C packages/os/linux-2.6 menuconfig. In the second General Setup menu, modify the Kernel command line so that the root device is mtdblock0 instead of mtdblock3. (This causes linux to search for the init script in the first mtd device, rather than the fourth, which is consistent with a RAM-only image). I.e. the new kernel command line is 'root=/dev/mtdblock0 init=/linuxrc'. Rebuild the kernel with make -C packages/os/linux-2.6 install.
  3. Recreate all images with 'make images'

Second version od dev_system -> only RAM

According page:
  1. install
  2. make menuconfig, change Hardware Configuration > =Processor for ETRAX_FS,
  3. ./configure,
  4. make init_env && . init_env
  5. overwrite kernelconfig-2.6 in the main directory,
  6. make -C packages/os/linux-2.6 crisv32-axis-linux-gnu,
  7. make -C packages/os/linux-2.6 menuconfig,
  8. make
    According page:
  9. remove the line: $(INSTALL) -m 0644 mnt.romfs_meta.txt $(prefix)/mnt/romfs_meta.txt from packages/romfs_meta/common/Makefile
  10. modify the file packages/romfs_meta/common/mnt.romfs_meta.txt by removing the whole contents of the file(Ignorecontents: flash).
  11. make -C packages/romfs_meta/common install
  12. comment out the section MOUNT in file packages/initscripts/common/linuxrc
  13. make -C packages/initscripts/common install
  14. make -C packages/os/linux-2.6 menuconfig:
    1. => second 'General Setup' => 'Kernel command line' -> "root=/dev/mtdblock1 init=/linuxrc"
    2. => 'Hardware setup' -> CONFIG_ETRAX_FLASH_BUSWIDTH = 4 -> SDRAM_GRP0_CONFIG = 0x156c
    3. => 18. bit in CONFIG_ETRAX_MEM_GRP1_CONFIG = 0
    4. => "Drivers for built-in interfaces" -> 'Axis flash-map support' = on, CONFIG_ETRAX_PTABLE_SECTOR = 131072
    5. => 'Memory Technology Devices' => 'RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers' -> CONFIG_MTD_CFI_ADV_OPTIONS = on, -> CONFIG_MTD_CFI_GEOMETRY = on, -> only CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_4 and CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I2 is on. -> 'Support for Intel/Sharp flash chips' = on,
  15. overwrite the Makefile in the ./packages/os/linux-2.6/Makefile,
  16. overwrite axisflashmap.c in the ./os/linux-2.6/arch/cris/arch/drivers/axisflashmap.c
  17. modify os/linux-2.6/arch/cris/drivers/axisflashmap.c in the function init_axis_flash :
    comment out the line:
mymtd->read(mymtd, CONFIG_ETRAX_PTABLE_SECTOR, 512, &len, page);
The line: mymtd = flash_probe(); change to mymtd = NULL;
  1. make -C packages/os/linux-2.6 install
  2. make

Modify os/linux-2.6/arch/cris/drivers/axisflashmap.c in the function init_axis_flash :
mymtd = flash_probe(); --> mymtd = NULL; this is not necessary ?

Push new kernel FS from RAM and flash after

  1. cd hadaq@hadeb05:~/soft/devboard-fs_onlyram
  2. su to have root permition
  3. . init_env
  4. switch the BOOT SELECT1 to Network RT/TX (it's 5),
  5. boot_etraxfs -d eth0 -i ./kimage
  6. cd ~/soft/devboard-fs_32v2
  7. ftp, type the login and password,
  8. ftp> cd tmp
  9. ftp> put fimage
  10. ftp> exit
  11. telnet, type the login and password,
  12. cd /tmp
  13. eraseflash -v /dev/cflash0
  14. cat /tmp/fimage > /dev/cflash0
  15. switch the BOOT SELECT1 to NOR Flash (it's 0),
  16. reset the board

additional settings for Etrax FS

  1. to force changing MAC address I changed packages/initscripts/mac/rc and packages/initscripts/mac/Makefile,
-- RadekTrebacz - 26 Sep 2005

Topic revision: r88 - 2010-07-09, SergeyYurevich
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