TOF+(TOFINO-SHOWER) multiplicity distribution for C+C at 1 and 2 A GeV - comparison of exp. data and UrQMD+Geant+hydra
(also in log. scale in the attachment)

  • 1A GeV lin. scale:
    1A GeV lin. scale

  • 2A GeV lin. scale:
    2A GeV lin. scale

-- PavelTlusty - 31 Oct 2008

I Attachment Action Size Date Who CommentSorted descending
c2c_tofshowermult.gifgif c2c_tofshowermult.gif manage 9 K 2008-10-31 - 15:34 PavelTlusty 2A GeV lin. scale
c2c_tofshowermult_logy.gifgif c2c_tofshowermult_logy.gif manage 9 K 2008-10-31 - 15:35 PavelTlusty 2A GeV log. scale
c1c_tofshowermult.gifgif c1c_tofshowermult.gif manage 9 K 2008-10-31 - 15:32 PavelTlusty 1A GeV lin. scale
c1c_tofshowermult_logy.gifgif c1c_tofshowermult_logy.gif manage 9 K 2008-10-31 - 15:33 PavelTlusty 1A GeV log. scale
This topic: Homepages > CreateHomepageTopic > HomepagePavelTlusty > CCTOF+TOFINO-SHOWERMultiplicity
Topic revision: 2008-10-31, PavelTlusty
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