Please find below description how the efficiency matrix for the track reconstruction have been created.


- around 1000 file for electrons and positrons have been created
- each file contains of 100000 events with white tracks inside
- white track have been uniformly distributed in each sector one track,
- full geant simulation have been performed,


- on the top of the GEANT files the DST up to PidTrackCandidate have be created,

- later on the post analysis have been run,
- inside the post dst track cleaning and efficiency task have been connected.

  HPidTrackCleaner* cleaner = new HPidTrackCleaner();

  HTaskSet *pSingleLeptonEffTask = new HTaskSet("Single lepton efficiency","Single lepton efficiency");
  HPidSingleTrackEff * pTrackEff = new  HPidSingleTrackEff((Char_t *)ntupleFileeff.Data());

Please find in attachment also some of the macro which have been used for the simulation and for plotting.

efficiency for protons 2DIM - sector 0 efficiency for protons 2DIM - sector 1 efficiency for protons 2DIM - sector 2 efficiency for protons 2DIM - sector 3 efficiency for protons 2DIM - sector 4 efficiency for protons 2DIM - sector 5

-- GosiaSudol - 23 Feb 2008
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-02-23, GosiaSudol
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