Children of GosiaSudol in Homepages Web

Results from Homepages web retrieved at 03:46 (Local)

* Efficiency matrix for protons APR06 (Marcin kind of analysis) * Efficiency matrix for leptons APR06 (Marcin kind of analysis) Main.GosiaSudol 23 Feb ...
Dear Yvonne, It looks like we will not see each other before Eastern, since I'm planing to go to Poalnd already on Thuersday. For this reason i have prepare for ...
I would like to make here few points about our background in NOV02 experimantal and simulated data. Presented below pictures are made for the full HARD CUTS anal...
Please find below 2DIM projection of the efficiency matrix which has been created for the pp@2.2AGeV run. electrons electrons averaged over...
Purity of the single leptons which were used for the dilepton analysis * only single leptons cut applied * * double hit rejection * * opening angle (theta ...
Below one can find links where the spatial correlation between RICH and inner MDCs detectors is presented. The delta theta and theta phi districutions are fitted...
Two run event filter in the simulation following task need to be added into the dst macro. Here one can find several example for different trigger conditions whi...
Number of topics: 7
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