Purity of the single leptons which were used for the dilepton analysis

only single leptons cut applied
double hit rejection
opening angle (theta > 9 degree)
double hit rejection && opening angle (theta > 9 degree)

Open symbols means that only leptons have been remoued from the sample.
Close symbols means that also the tracks have been removed.

single lepton purity

Zoom of the upper picture for the interesting region.

single lepton purity - zoom

Next figure is showing the purity of the leptons which have created given type of pairs before any dileptons cut have been applied:

single lepton purity - zoom

Looking into the simulation information it is posible to find out, why those tracks are fakes.
77 % of the fake tracks do NOT have a hit in "inner MDC*, 21 % is missing hit in META,
remaining 2 % corresponds to different cases, what is shows schematicaly below for the leptons creating e+e- pairs.

single lepton purity - zoom

Meanning of the GCommonTrack is following:

dec key

0 ---> kTrackNotSet

1 ---> kSeenInRICHIPU
2 ---> kSeenInOuterMDC
4 ---> kSeenInRICH
8 ---> kSeenInInnerMDC
16 ---> kSeenInTOF
32 ---> kSeenInShower
64 ---> kSeenInMETA

12 ---> kTracklet ---> kSeenInRICH | kSeenInInnerMDC
72 ---> kTrackKick ---> kSeenInInnerMDC | kSeenInMETA
10 ---> kTrackSpline ---> kSeenInInnerMDC | kSeenInOuterMDC
74 ---> kTrackFullHadron ---> kTrackSpline | kSeenInMETA
76 ---> kTrackKickRICH ---> kTrackKick | kSeenInRICH
14 ---> kTrackSplineRICH ---> kTrackSpline | kSeenInRICH
78 ---> kTrackFullLepton ---> kTrackFullHadron | kSeenInRICH

-- GosiaSudol - 08 Dec 2006
I Attachment ActionSorted ascending Size Date Who Comment
em_GCommonDet.gifgif em_GCommonDet.gif manage 435 K 2006-12-08 - 11:14 GosiaSudol common track in the detectors for the e+e- pairs
piurity_dileptons.gifgif piurity_dileptons.gif manage 7 K 2006-12-08 - 11:13 GosiaSudol purity of the leptons which create e+e+ or e-e- or e+e- pairs
purity_leptons_in_pairs.gifgif purity_leptons_in_pairs.gif manage 9 K 2006-12-05 - 09:35 GosiaSudol single leptons purity - pairs level
purity_leptons_in_pairs_afterpaircuts.gifgif purity_leptons_in_pairs_afterpaircuts.gif manage 10 K 2006-12-05 - 09:35 GosiaSudol single leptons purity - pairs level - zoom
Topic revision: r1 - 2006-12-08, GosiaSudol
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