Figure below shows the delta theta distribution for the EXPERIMENTAL data.
delta theta - 3 components

Next picture also shows delta theta distribution, but this time in addition +/- 3 degree cut for the delta phi has been applied.
delta theta - 3 components

Mean value for each momentum bin and the sigma of the narrow Gauss:
Mean :{-0.08,-0.09,-0.01,0.05,0.09,0.13},

Next figure shows the yield (integral) of the 3 components in the 2 sigma range.
Sigma in this case is taken from the narrow Gauss.

OPEN SYMBOLS are the integrals with additional condition for delta phi.
CLOSE SYMBOLS are the integrals without additional condition for delta phi.

delta theta - 3 components

As it was expected in case of the open circles we have less background (shadow and flat one).

delta phi - 3 components

Lower picture shows the 2 sigma matching (upper limit) windows and 4 another components, as it is explain in the legenda:

2 sigma windows and different explanation

Delta PHI

Figure below shows the delta theta distribution for the EXPERIMENTAL data.
delta theta - 3 components

Next picture also shows delta phi distribution, but this time in addition +/- 3 degree cut for the delta theta has been applied.
delta phi - 3 components

Next figure shows the yield (integral) of the 3 components in the 2 sigma range.
Sigma in this case is taken from the narrow Gauss.

OPEN SYMBOLS are the integrals with additional condition for delta phi.
CLOSE SYMBOLS are the integrals without additional condition for delta phi.

delta theta - 3 components

delta phi - 3 components

-- GosiaSudol - 08 Dec 2006

This topic: Homepages > CreateHomepageTopic > GosiaSudol > LeptonsPurity > MatchingEXP
Topic revision: 2006-12-11, GosiaSudol
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