in runge kutta the mean of beta is not at 1, it is larger, why?
tails come from tofino. (cut on chiq and distance does not help to improve spectrum)

  • tof geant level is fine
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427

  • tofhitsim level is also ok
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427

  • beta vs mass
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427

  • beta vs mass, mass>0
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427

  • beta vs p
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427

  • beta vs theta shows that the problem exist over all theta range
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427

  • runge kutta polarity: red: -1, green: +1:
    runge kutta polarity: red: -1, green: +1

  • rungekutta red: tofino green:tof:
    rungekutta red: tofino green:tof

-- YvonnePachmayer - 25 Nov 2005
I Attachment ActionSorted descending Size Date Who Comment
betavsmass.gifgif betavsmass.gif manage 248 K 2005-11-25 - 17:04 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
betavsmassmasspos.gifgif betavsmassmasspos.gif manage 248 K 2005-11-25 - 17:04 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
betavsmomentum.gifgif betavsmomentum.gif manage 248 K 2005-11-25 - 17:04 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
betavstheta.gifgif betavstheta.gif manage 248 K 2005-11-25 - 17:04 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
rungepolarity.gifgif rungepolarity.gif manage 214 K 2005-12-02 - 17:20 YvonnePachmayer runge kutta polarity: red: -1, green: +1
rungesystemwise.gifgif rungesystemwise.gif manage 214 K 2005-12-02 - 17:21 YvonnePachmayer rungekutta red: tofino green:tof
tofgeant.gifgif tofgeant.gif manage 248 K 2005-11-25 - 17:04 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
tofhit.gifgif tofhit.gif manage 214 K 2005-11-25 - 17:04 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
Topic revision: r2 - 2005-12-02, YvonnePachmayer
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