Roadmap for hadron analysis in heavy ions reactions

0. Documentation and macros:

documentation on particle ID:

documentation on parameter production for hadron analysis

example of hadron analysis results:

macros for pidtrackcandidate qa: /d/hades/pid/PID_MACROS/HADRONS/pidtrackcand_macros

macros for pid analysis /d/hades/pid/PID_MACROS/HADRONS/pid_macros/

1. quality check of dst's: see qa plots see macros in ./pidtrackcand_macros check of beta-vs-momnetum 2D histos in ./pidtrackcand_macros/2DHISTOS

2. parameters for pid analysis: "relative intensities" for pid reconstructor - from 2DHISTOS beta-vs_momentum pdf parameters - from calculated values and 2DHISTOS for fitting of 2DHISTOS see and ./pid_macros/fitnfill_pvsbetaparams

existing sets for C2C and C1C, now C2C used for ArKCl

3. PID analysis - macros adapted from Tomek's macros in for description of the procedure see

macros for hadron pid: see ./pid_macros/PID

dst's containing PidTrackCand

post dst containing PidParticle ntuple with PID decision (dump of PidParticle)

4. calculation of PID efficiency and purity: see ./pid_macros/count_pid_effpur

pid ntuple with UrQMD data (output of step 3)
histograms with efficency and purity (example see in ./pid_macros/count_pid_effpur)

5. calculation of reconstruction efficiency:

step 5a - filling of ttree with needed info: for all primary UrQMD particles shows if it was reconstructed by selected trcaking algorithm

see ./pid_macros/acceptance_ttree

input: UrQMD dst output: ttree

step 5b - filling of efficiency histograms from ttree

see ./pid_macros/acceptance

6. filling weights to pid ntuple (weight = PID purity/(PID efficiency * reconstruction efficiency)

see ./pid_macros/weights

pid ntuple root file with PID efficiency and purity root file with reconstruction efficiency

ttree with identical content as pid ntuple and correct weights

7. filling of macros for identified particled: theta, momentum, rapidity, m_t distributions

see ./pid_macros/refilled

pid ttree
root file with histograms

8. normalization to one event


9. plotting of results

-- HomepagePavelTlusty - 27 Jun 2007

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Topic revision: 2007-06-27, PavelTlusty
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