For the test on cosmics we used the 16 channels - signals from the 16 TOF photomultipliers (sector 4 module 8 cells 1-8L and 1-8R). All were splitted to two signals, one going to CFD-TDC, the 2nd one to ADDON. Apart of that the 2nd output from each PMT is connected to ADC. This signal has twice bigger amplitude than the measured time signals which are splitted and so the have 50% of their original amplitude.
The trigger is a standard analog multiplicity trigger requiring that >=2 photomultipliers fired. Moreover in the analysis we require that only two adjacent PMT's fired to clean the signals.

-- PavelTlusty - 26 Nov 2008
  • electronic setup for the pulser test:
    electronic setup for the pulser test

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Topic revision: 2008-11-26, PavelTlusty
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