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* UrQMD impact parameter distributions for LVL1 events from C C and Ar KCl * charged pion rapidity and costheta distributions from C C and Ar KCl * ...
We have used the pulse from the generator with 5ns risetime and variable amplitude. The output was splitted to 4 signals: two different channels in CFD and 2 diff...
For the test on cosmics we used the 16 channels signals from the 16 TOF photomultipliers (sector 4 module 8 cells 1 8L and 1 8R). All were splitted to two signa...
Fig: TOT vs ADC for the same signal for 8 channels. ADC is in channels, 1 channel is app. 1 mV but be aware that all timing signals have twice lower amplitude t...
Jun 2006 536 9 0 164 WebHome 89 WebRss 14 MDC.CosmicBeamtimeSep05 13 AlignmentAug04forgen2dstversionYvonnePachmayer 12 AsciiIntMa...
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