UrQMD picture collection

all systems after all single lepton cuts

for tofino (upper plot) and tof (lower plot) after all cuts

for both systems cutwise a) no cut b) rich cut c) tof|| tofino cut d)tof|| (tofino cut&& shower cut)

for tof cutwise a) no cut b) rich cut c) tof|| tofino cut d)tof|| (tofino cut&& shower cut)

for tofino cutwise a) no cut b) rich cut c) tof|| tofino cut d)tof|| (tofino cut&& shower cut)

paticle id, no cuts, rich cut, tof || tofino cut, tof || (tofino&&shower cut)
  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427

paticle id, no cuts, rich cut, tof || tofino cut, tof || (tofino&&shower cut), cmtrck cut >=76
  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427

all systems after all single lepton cuts
batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427 for tofino (upper plot) and tof (lower plot) after all cuts
batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427 for both systems cutwise a) no cut b) rich cut c) tof|| tofino cut d)tof|| (tofino cut&& shower cut)
batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427 for tofino cutwise a) no cut b) rich cut c) tof|| tofino cut d)tof|| (tofino cut&& shower cut)
batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427 for tof systems cutwise a) no cut b) rich cut c) tof|| tofino cut d)tof|| (tofino cut&& shower cut)
batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427

-- YvonnePachmayer - 22 Feb 2006
I Attachment Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
cutwise.pngpng cutwise.png manage 199 K 2006-03-30 - 14:13 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
cutwisek.pngpng cutwisek.png manage 159 K 2006-02-23 - 16:01 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
cutwisetof.pngpng cutwisetof.png manage 163 K 2006-03-30 - 14:13 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
cutwisetofino.pngpng cutwisetofino.png manage 203 K 2006-03-30 - 14:13 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
cutwisetofinok.pngpng cutwisetofinok.png manage 164 K 2006-02-23 - 16:01 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
cutwisetofk.pngpng cutwisetofk.png manage 126 K 2006-02-23 - 16:01 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
particlepid.gifgif particlepid.gif manage 187 K 2006-02-23 - 15:51 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
particlepidaftersinglecutscmtrackcut.gifgif particlepidaftersinglecutscmtrackcut.gif manage 214 K 2006-02-23 - 15:51 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
particlepidaftersinglecutsnocmtrackcut.gifgif particlepidaftersinglecutsnocmtrackcut.gif manage 214 K 2006-02-23 - 15:51 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
system.pngpng system.png manage 95 K 2006-03-30 - 14:13 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
system0.pngpng system0.png manage 141 K 2006-03-30 - 14:13 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
system0k.pngpng system0k.png manage 99 K 2006-02-23 - 16:01 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
systemk.pngpng systemk.png manage 69 K 2006-02-23 - 16:01 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0427
Topic revision: r4 - 2006-03-30, YvonnePachmayer
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