"Nice" version of DAQ System:

List of files needed for starting DAQ on TRB:

You have to log into the board and program FPGA: /home/hadaq/FPGA_jam_stapl.sh
Log into DTU, for example for DTU in Cracow it would be:
from cerber.if.uj.edu.pl:
telnet rio3, user: traxler, passwd: for access write to me(rtrebacz@poczta.onet.pl)
cd hades
. env_setup.sh
Reset DTU: dtuctrl reset testctu or dtuctrl init testctu if you do it first time
Reset FPGA and program TDC: /home/hadaq/resetTDCsfull.sh on the board
Start Eventbuilder and Netmem on the HOST1:
daq_evtbuild -m 1 -d file -o /local/daq
daq_netmem -m 1 -i UDP: IP_address_of_board : port
Create the file default_p.tcl: touch /var/default_p.tcl
Start hwtrb_prior from /var: /home/hadaq/hwtrb_prior
Start memnet_prior: memnet_prior -o UDP: IP_address_of_the_HOST1 : port
Start DTU: dtuctrl start testctu

"Ugly" version (accessable only in Cracow for now) of DAQ System:
Below files could be found somewhere in the /home/trebacz/axis_sdkC/devboard-R2_01/ directory.
Reset DTU: dtuctrl reset testctu or dtuctrl init testctu if you do it first time
Reset FPGA and program TDC: /home/hadaq/resetTDCsfull.sh on the board
Start Eventbuilder and Netmem on the HOST1:
daq_evtbuild -m 1 -d file -o /local/daq
daq_netmem -m 1 -i UDP: IP_address_of_board : port
Create the file default_p.tcl: touch /var/default_p.tcl
Start hwtrb_net on board from /var: /home/hadaq/hwtrb_net HOST1
Start net_hwtrb on HOST1 in DIR
Start memnet_cerber/memnet on _HOST1 in DIR: ./memnet_cerber/memnet  -o UDP: HOST1 : port
Start DTU: dtuctrl start testctu

TIPS: you can fire on three terminals in the /home/trebacz/hadaq and run lines from file ./daq_cmdline, in each tem you has to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/.
Two terminals in the /home/trebacz/axis_sdkC/devboard-R2_01/daq directory and run lines from file ./daq_cmdline

-- RadekTrebacz - 16 Feb 2006

This topic: DaqSlowControl > OutdatedPages > HowStartDAQ
Topic revision: 2009-12-13, JanMichel
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