
if you want to change the LVL2 Trigger settings do the following:

go to one of the lxi-machines (user hadaq):

$ ssh hades@lxi016

then go to /u/hades/hades-lynx/aug04/slow

hades@lxi016:/u/hades> cd hades-lynx/aug04/slow/

here open the file trigconc_p.tcl in an editor:

hades@lxi016:/u/hades/hades-lynx/aug04/slow> emacs trigconc_p.tcl

search the following passage:

# downscaling 
set mu(lvl2_trigger_rate_reg)           0x04

# this register turns on and off the Matching Algorithm 
set mu(always_negative_triggers)        0

here you can change the downscaling factor (currently 0x4) and turn on and off the MU-algorithm.... (write a 1 to "always_negative_triggers").

That's it. Save file and at the next restart the new settings are loaded...



-- MichaelTraxler - 03 Feb 2005

This topic: DaqSlowControl > OutdatedPages > MatchingUnit > MatchingUnitSettings
Topic revision: 2005-06-02, SimonLang
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