VxWorks boot procedure (hadsc1 and e7had2)

The manual boot procedure of the VxWorks is described here (very old manual)

The important part of the manual:

Before booting VxWorks, you must set the configuration parameters for the boot, including the host and target network addresses, the file to be booted and so on:

  • Connect a terminal ( or a terminal server line) to the console port of the target board.
  • Power up the crate or reset the board.
  • If the board attempts to boot automatically, it is already set up. In this case interrupt the wait for boot by typing a character at the terminal. The board should show the boot prompt:
  • [VxWorks Boot]:
  • Type p at the prompt. A display with the current settings should be shown.
  • To change the boot parameters, type c at the prompt and answer the questions:
      prompt             answer       explanation<br>
      boot device          : ln       to find the name of the boot device type ?
      processor number     : 0       0 for the system controller, 1, 2... others, determines VMEbus address              
      host name            : hades07 
      file name            : targets\mv162\vxWorks       targets is the alias for the ftp directory
      inet on ethernet (e) :       the ffffc000 is the network mask
      inet on backplane (b):       
      host inet (h)        :       
      gateway inet (g)     :    
      user (u)             : nt_dvee\scs_e       
      ftp password (pw)    : xxxxxxxxxxx    (blank-use rsh)   use the real password
      flags (f)            : 0x22       
      taget name (tn)      : hadesmv162   
      startup script (s)   : SCSpro\dir\iocboot\st.cmd       SCSpro is the alias for epic_apps\prototypes
      other (o)            :       
          * Review the parameters with p and repeat if necessary. Then boot with @.
          * Note: the IP addresses here are real! Use your own ones! 
The actual boot parameters are below:

-- PeterZumbruch - 05 Oct 2012
Topic revision: r5 - 2018-11-27, PeterZumbruch
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