In a nutshell:

To remove tof completely from the LVL2 trigger and use tip only as a readout board, change
  • set g_master_control [expr 0x6 + $async_mode]
  • set g_master_control [expr 0x4 + $async_mode]
(and do not forget to change also the MU settings)

Parameter, which can be contolled in the TCL-File

We are using only one big file: tof_p.tcl

System overview

DSP1: tip_readout, responsible for making the VME access, bookkeeping, etc DSP4: tip_linkport, TDC/ADC fifo control, responds trigger from the DTU DSP2,3,5,6: tip_trigger: Trigger algorithm, TIP->MU communication

Readout control

The control of the readout is mainly done with the master_control register:

0 _START_TIP for stopping/staring TIP
1 _LVL2_TRIG_ACTIVE forwards evt to tip_trigger (only tip_readout)
2 _LVL2_LINK_ACTIVE forwards positive evts to Concentrator
3 _MU_LINK_ACTIVE forwards at least a header to MU (see use_trigger)
4 _LVL2_PIPE1_RQ only for conc
5 _LVL2_PIPE2_RQ only for conc
6 _SINGLE_PROC 0: multiproc, 1: singleproc, must be equal for tip_trigger/tip_readout
7 reserved
8 _SCALER_ACTIVE out-of-date, used for a workaround
9 _NEW_DTU 0: old dtu from erik, 1: dtu from Tiago
10 _ASYNC_MODE 0: sync mode, 1: async must be equal for tip_linkport/tip_readout
11 _NO_TAG_REPAIR must be 0 for the old DTU design
12-15 MU_adress MU adress, do not use, use mu_address parameter instead
16-19 _MIN_LVL1_TRIGGER see below
20-23 _GRACE_LVL1_TRIGGER see below
24-27 _GRACE_LVL2_TRIGGER see below

FIFO and SYNC/ASYNC control: please use async_mode in the tcl to define _ASYNC_MODE, _MIN_LVL1_TRIGGER and the GRACEs.

What does that mean?

SYNC means first TDC conversion is done, than thr VME readout. Bits 16-27 must be 0. The number of events in the TDCs can be 0 or 1

ASYNC means converion and readout can be independent. Bits 16-27 can be used. If all bits are 0, the number of events can be 0,1 or 2 (because of the independent timing).

_MIN_LVL1_TRIGGER means that at least this number of events are always in the TDC buffer. This adds the number of events to the 0,1,2

_GRACE_LVL1_TRIGGER means that in addition to the maximal range of the number of events (it was 2...) we allow more to be stored.

VME block control structure

The VME block control structure can be defined as slow control parameters in the database:

CBLT or normal adress of the board.
Selecting readout mode:

  • blt_flag=1 --> Block transfer
  • blt_flag=2 --> Chained block transfer
  • blt_flag=3 --> Normal DMA with incrementing adress.
  • blt_flag=9 --> Debug block.

Max. data words.

See TipSubeventFormat

Trigger control

Default is: slow/tip/tof_params_current This file is a symbolic link to the TOF calibration (which changes very rapidely). Manual for exchanging this:
  1. Get the new txt calibration file from the TOF people
  2. Remove the header lines, and the trailing ####'s (only lines with numbers are allowed). Check that there is no empty line at the end
  3. remove the symbolic link tof_params_current
  4. ln -s calib_file.txt tof_params_current

tof_assign_table: tof_assign_crate:
must be 1, or no trigger algorithm is performed
must be 1 for trigger board (conc can be 0)
(in ns) 10
additional time added to tof_cut 0

param for the time loop (1 for E7)

-- IngoFroehlich - 03 Feb 2005

This topic: DaqSlowControl > OutdatedPages > TOFSubSystem > TofParams
Topic revision: 2007-03-29, IngoFroehlich
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