worried, confused I don't know why SandboxJavaScriptToggleImagesViaIncludePeterZumbruch is working,
worried, confused but this doesn't
worried, confused JavaScript itself is working, see SandboxJavaScriptSwitchImagesPeterZumbruch
worried, confused Maybe someone else finds the reason. worried, confused

Switch Images

<!-- %INCLUDE{"Homepages.JavaScriptSwitchImages"}% -->
<img     src="http://hades-wiki.gsi.de/pub/SimAna/PairsNov02/N_ep_em_gen4_ABC.gif" 
The syntax is
     <img src="A" onclick="switchToggle(this,'A','B','C');">
Up to 9 sources can be used.

Click on the picture below and enjoy!


-- PeterZumbruch - 02 Mar 2006
Topic revision: r1 - 2006-03-02, PeterZumbruch
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