/*-*- c++ -*-*****************************************************************\ * Project: CppLib: C++ library for Windows/UNIX platfroms * * File: config.h - Config class, .INI/.rc file manager * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Language: C++ * * Platfrom: any (tested under Windows NT) * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * (c) Karsten Ballüder & Vadim Zeitlin * * Ballueder@usa.net Vadim.zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * $Id: appconf.h,v 2004/07/09 15:55:46 JoernWuestenfeld Exp $ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Classes: * * BaseConfig - ABC for class that manage tree organized config info * * FileConfig - implementation of BaseConfig based on disk files * * RegistryConfig - implementation of BaseConfig based Win32 registry * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * To do: * * - derive wxConfig * * - EXTENSIVE ERROR CHECKING (none done actually) * * - derive IniConfig for standard dumb Windows INI files using Win APIs * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * History: * * 25.10.97 adapted from wxConfig by Karsten Ballüder * * 29.10.97 FileConfig now saves comments back (VZ) * * 30.10.97 Immutable entries support added (KB) * * 01.11.97 Fixed NULL pointer access in BaseConfig::setCurrentPath (KB) * * Replaced filterIn() with original function from wxConfig, * * doing environment variable expansion, too (KB) * * Made parsing case insensitive (Compile time option) (KB) * * 02.11.97 Added deleteEntry function (VZ) * * 08.11.97 Environment variable expansion on demand (VZ) * * RegistryConfig::changeCurrentPath added (VZ) * * AppConf defined to be used instead of File/RegistryConfig * * 18.01.98 Several fixes and changes to FileConfig (KB) * * Added recordDefaults() method (KB) * \*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _APPCONF_H #define _APPCONF_H /**@name AppConf - Configuration entry management * * * Copyright
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *

* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. *

* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *

* *These classes support easy to use management of configuration settings. *On Unix systems these settings get written to configuration files, of the *type used by Windows (.INI) and KDE (.lnk). On Win32 systems (Windows NT *or 95), the settings get written to the registry database.
*Therefor AppConfig provides a consistent API for configuration management *across both platforms. The API is defined by the BaseConfig virtual base *class and two implemenations, FileConfig and RegistryConfig are derived *from this. Nevertheless, you can also use FileConfig under Windows if *you need it for some special purpose. *

*The class AppConfig is defined which is the 'native' implementation on *each platform. *

*Also, if the gettext() library function is available (use -lintl on *Unix systems), AppConfig can be compiled with -DAPPCONF_USE_GETTEXT=1 *to support multiple languages in its error messages. *Precompiled message catalogues for German and French are included, *copy them to the appropriate directories under Unix *(e.g. /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/appconf.mo or * /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/appconf.mo). *

*Two simple programs demonstrating the use of AppConfig are included. *

*Full documentation of the classes is included in HTML format in the *doc directory. Please use your web browser to view it.
*The LaTeX documentation appconf.tex in the same directory contains a *few errors (because it was auto-generated with doc++), but is usable. *Just keep pressing Enter when LaTeX complains. An A4 PostScript version *is also included. *

*Feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions. If you use *it in your programs, we would be pleased to hear about it. * @memo A configuration management system for Unix and Windows. * @author Karsten Ballüder and Vadim Zeitlin */ //@{ #if APPCONF_USE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include // make sure we have a Bool type typedef int Bool; #ifndef TRUE # define TRUE 1 # define FALSE 0 #endif // make sure we have NULL defined properly // #undef NULL // #define NULL 0 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**@name configuration options */ //@{ /// can we use gettext() for multi language support? #ifndef APPCONF_USE_GETTEXT # define APPCONF_USE_GETTEXT 0 #else # define APPCONF_DOMAIN "appconf" #endif /// shall we be case sensitive in parsing variable names? #ifndef APPCONF_CASE_SENSITIVE # define APPCONF_CASE_SENSITIVE 0 #endif /// separates group and entry names #ifndef APPCONF_PATH_SEPARATOR # define APPCONF_PATH_SEPARATOR '/' #endif /// introduces immutable entries #ifndef APPCONF_IMMUTABLE_PREFIX # define APPCONF_IMMUTABLE_PREFIX '!' #endif /// length for internal character array for expansion (e.g. for gcvt()) #ifndef APPCONF_STRBUFLEN # define APPCONF_STRBUFLEN 1024 #endif /// should we use registry instead of configuration files under Win32? #ifndef APPCONF_WIN32_NATIVE # define APPCONF_WIN32_NATIVE 1 // default: TRUE #endif //@} /**@name helper functions */ //@{ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Replace environment variables ($SOMETHING) with their values. The format is $VARNAME or ${VARNAME} where VARNAME contains alphanumeric characters and '_' only. '$' must be escaped ('\$') in order to be taken literally. @param pointer to the string possibly contianing $VAR and/or ${VAR} @return the resulting string, caller must 'delete []' it @memo Performs environment variable substitution. */ char *ExpandEnvVars(const char *psz); //@} /**@name Configuration Management Classes */ //@{ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// abstract base class config // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BaseConfig { public: /** @name Constructors and destructor */ //@{ /// default ctor BaseConfig(); /// dtor virtual ~BaseConfig(); //@} /** @name Set and retrieve current path */ //@{ /** Specify the new current path by its absolute name. @param szPath name of the group to search by default (created if !exists) */ virtual void setCurrentPath(const char *szPath = ""); /** Change the current path. Works like 'cd' and supports "..". @param szPath name of the group to search by default (created if !exists) */ virtual void changeCurrentPath(const char *szPath = ""); /** Query the current path. @return current '/' separated path */ const char *getCurrentPath() const; /** Resolve ".." and "/" in the path. @param Start path (i.e. current directory) @param Relative path (".." allowed) from start path @return Pointer to normalized path (caller should "delete []" it) */ static char *normalizePath(const char *szStartPath, const char *szPath); /** Get status of file */ Bool isOk(void){return m_bOk;}; //@} /** activates recording of default values @param enable TRUE to activate, FALSE to deactivate */ void recordDefaults(Bool enable = TRUE); /**@name Enumeration of subgroups/entries */ //@{ /** This class allows access to an array of strings, which are entries or group names. @memo Class that supports enumeration. @see enumSubgroups, enumEntries */ class Enumerator { public: // if bOwnsStrings, it will delete them in dtor Enumerator(size_t nCount, Bool bOwnsStrings); ~Enumerator(); // add a string // this one may be used only if bOwnsString was TRUE in ctor void AddString(const char *sz); // void AddString(char *sz); // kludge: eliminate duplicate strings void MakeUnique(); // accessors /// return number of elements size_t Count() const { return m_nCount; } /// return the element #nIndex const char *operator[](size_t nIndex) const { return m_aszData[nIndex]; } private: char **m_aszData; size_t m_nCount; Bool m_bOwnsStrings; }; /** Enumerate subgroups of the current group. Caller must delete the returned pointer. Example of usage:

      char **aszGroups;
      BaseConfig::Enumerator *pEnum = config.enumSubgroups();
      size_t nGroups = pEnum->Count();
      for ( size_t n = 0; n < nGroups; n++ )
        cout << "Name of subgorup #" << n << " is " << (*pEnum)[n] << endl;
      delete pEnum;
@param Pointer to an array of strings which is allocated by the function @return Number of subgroups @see Enumerator, setCurrentPath, enumEntries */ virtual Enumerator *enumSubgroups() const = 0; /** Enumerate entries of the current group. @return Number of entries @see Enumerator, enumSubgroups */ virtual Enumerator *enumEntries() const = 0; //@} /** @name Key access */ //@{ /** Get the value of an entry, or the default value. @param szKey The key to search for. @param szDefault The default value to return if not found. @return The value of the key, or defval if not found */ virtual const char *readEntry(const char *szKey, const char *szDefault = NULL) const = 0; /** Get the value of an entry, or the default value, interpreted as a long integer. @param szKey The key to search for. @param Default The default value to return if not found. @return The value of the key converted to long int or the default value. */ long int readEntry(const char *szKey, long int Default) const; /** Get the value of an entry, or the default value, interpreted as a double value. @param szKey The key to search for. @param Default The default value to return if not found. @return The value of the key converted to double or the default value. */ double readEntry(const char *szKey, double Default) const; /** Set the value of an entry. @param szKey The key whose value to change. @param szValue The new value. @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ virtual Bool writeEntry(const char *szKey, const char *szValue) = 0; /** Set the value of an entry to a long int value. @param szKey The key whose value to change. @param Value The new value. @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ Bool writeEntry(const char *szKey, long int Value); /** Set the value of an entry to a double value. @param szKey The key whose value to change. @param Value The new value. @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ Bool writeEntry(const char *szKey, double Value); /** Delets the entry. Notice that there is intentionally no such function as deleteGroup: the group is automatically deleted when it's last entry is deleted. @memo Deletes the entry. @param szKey The key to delete @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ virtual Bool deleteEntry(const char *szKey) = 0; //@} /** @name Other functions */ //@{ /// permanently writes changes, returns TRUE on success virtual Bool flush(Bool /* bCurrentOnly */ = FALSE) { return TRUE; } /// returns TRUE if object was correctly initialized Bool isInitialized() const { return m_bOk; } //@} /** @name Filter functions. All key values should pass by these functions, derived classes should call them in their read/writeEntry functions. Currently, these functions only escape meta-characters (mainly spaces which would otherwise confuse the parser), but they could also be used to encode/decode key values. */ //@{ /// should be called from writeEntry, returns pointer to dynamic buffer static char *filterOut(const char *szValue); /// should be called from readEntry, returns pointer to dynamic buffer static char *filterIn(const char *szValue); /// should environment variables be automatically expanded? void expandVariables(Bool bExpand = TRUE) { m_bExpandVariables = bExpand; } /// do environment variables get automatically expanded? Bool doesExpandVariables(void) const { return m_bExpandVariables; } //@} protected: /// TRUE if ctor successfully initialized the object Bool m_bOk; /// TRUE if environment variables are to be auto-expanded Bool m_bExpandVariables; /// TRUE if default values are to be recorded Bool m_bRecordDefaults; private: char *m_szCurrentPath; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** FileConfig derives from BaseConfig and implements file based config class, i.e. it uses ASCII disk files to store the information. These files are alternatively called INI, .conf or .rc in the documentation. They are organized in groups or sections, which can nest (i.e. a group contains subgroups, which contain their own subgroups &c). Each group has some number of entries, which are "key = value" pairs. More precisely, the format is:
  # comments are allowed after either ';' or '#' (Win/UNIX standard)
  # blank lines (as above) are ignored
  # global entries are members of special (no name) top group
  written_for = wxWindows
  platform    = Linux
  # the start of the group 'Foo'
  [Foo]                           # may put comments like this also
  # following 3 lines are entries
  key = value
  another_key = "  strings with spaces in the beginning should be quoted, \
                   otherwise the spaces are lost"
  last_key = but you don't have to put " normally (nor quote them, like here)
  # subgroup of the group 'Foo'
  # (order is not important, only the name is: separator is '/', as in paths)
  # entries prefixed with "!" are immutable, i.e. can't be changed if they are
  # set in the system wide .conf file
  !special_key = value
  bar_entry = whatever
  [Foo/Bar/Fubar]   # depth is (theoretically :-) unlimited
  # may have the same name as key in another section
  bar_entry = whatever not
You {have read/write/delete}Entry functions (guess what they do) and also setCurrentPath to select current group. enum{Subgroups/Entries} allow you to get all entries in the config file (in the current group). Finally, flush() writes immediately all changed entries to disk (otherwise it would be done automatically in dtor) FileConfig manages not less than 2 config files for each program: global and local (or system and user if you prefer). Entries are read from both of them and the local entries override the global ones unless the latter is immutable (prefixed with '!') in which case a warning message is generated and local value is ignored. Of course, the changes are always written to local file only. */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FileConfig : public BaseConfig { public: /** @name Constructors and destructor */ //@{ /** FileConfig will
  • 1) read global config file (/etc/appname.conf under UNIX or windir\.ini under Windows) unless bLocalOnly is TRUE
  • 2) read user's config file ($HOME/.appname or $HOME/.appname/config or %USERPROFILE%/file.ini under NT, same as global otherwise)
  • 3) write changed entries to user's file, never to the system one. @memo Ctor for FileConfig takes file name argument. @param szFileName Config file, default extension appended if not given @param bLocalOnly TRUE => don't look for system-wide config file @param bUseSubDir TRUE => filename is not called $HOME/. but $HOME/./config */ FileConfig(const char *szFileName, Bool bLocalOnly = FALSE, Bool bUseSubDir = FALSE); /** @memo Ctor for FileConfig for reading from a stream @param input stream to read from */ FileConfig(istream *iStream); /** Another constructor, creating an empty object. For use with the readFile() method. */ FileConfig(void); /** Notice that if you're interested in error code, you should use flush() function. @memo Dtor will save unsaved data. */ ~FileConfig(); //@} /** Like reading from a local configuration file, but takes a whole path as argument. No default configuration files used. Use with FileConfig() constructor. */ void readFile(const char *szFileName); /** @name Implementation of inherited pure virtual functions */ //@{ /// const char *readEntry(const char *szKey, const char *szDefault = NULL) const; /// long int readEntry(const char *szKey, long int Default) const { return BaseConfig::readEntry(szKey, Default); } /// double readEntry(const char *szKey, double Default) const { return BaseConfig::readEntry(szKey, Default); } /// Bool writeEntry(const char *szKey, const char *szValue); /// Bool writeEntry(const char *szKey, long int Value) { return BaseConfig::writeEntry(szKey, Value);} /// Bool writeEntry(const char *szKey, double Value) { return BaseConfig::writeEntry(szKey, Value); } /// Bool deleteEntry(const char *szKey); /// Bool flush(Bool bCurrentOnly = FALSE); /// writes changes to ostream, returns TRUE on success Bool flush(ostream *oStream, Bool /* bCurrentOnly */ = FALSE); /// parses one line of config file Bool parseLine(const char *psz); /// void changeCurrentPath(const char *szPath = ""); //@} /** @name Enumeration @see BaseConfig::enumSubgroups, BaseConfig::enumEntries */ //@{ /// Enumerate subgroups of the current group Enumerator *enumSubgroups() const; /// Enumerate entries of the current group Enumerator *enumEntries() const; //@} //protected: --- if FileConfig::ConfigEntry is not public, functions in // ConfigGroup such as Find/AddEntry can't return ConfigEntry*! class ConfigGroup; class ConfigEntry { private: ConfigGroup *m_pParent; // group that contains us ConfigEntry *m_pNext; // next entry (in linked list) char *m_szName, // entry name *m_szValue, // value *m_szExpValue, // value with expanded env variables *m_szComment; // optional comment preceding the entry Bool m_bDirty, // changed since last read? m_bLocal, // read from user's file or global one? m_bImmutable; // can be overriden locally? public: ConfigEntry(ConfigGroup *pParent, ConfigEntry *pNext, const char *szName); ~ConfigEntry(); // simple accessors const char *Name() const { return m_szName; } const char *Value() const { return m_szValue; } const char *Comment() const { return m_szComment; } ConfigEntry *Next() const { return m_pNext; } Bool IsDirty() const { return m_bDirty; } // expand environment variables and return the resulting string const char *ExpandedValue(); // modify entry attributes void SetValue(const char *szValue, Bool bLocal = TRUE, Bool bFromFile = FALSE); void SetComment(char *szComment); void SetDirty(Bool bDirty = TRUE); void SetNext(ConfigEntry *pNext) { m_pNext = pNext; } }; protected: class ConfigGroup { private: ConfigEntry *m_pEntries, // list of entries in this group *m_pLastEntry; // last entry ConfigGroup *m_pSubgroups, // list of subgroups *m_pLastGroup, // last subgroup *m_pNext, // next group at the same level as this one *m_pParent; // parent group char *m_szName, // group's name *m_szComment; // optional comment preceding this group Bool m_bDirty; // if FALSE => all subgroups are not dirty public: // ctors ConfigGroup(ConfigGroup *pParent, ConfigGroup *pNext, const char *szName); // dtor deletes all entries and subgroups also ~ConfigGroup(); // simple accessors const char *Name() const { return m_szName; } const char *Comment() const { return m_szComment; } ConfigGroup *Next() const { return m_pNext; } ConfigGroup *Parent() const { return m_pParent; } ConfigGroup *Subgroup() const { return m_pSubgroups; } ConfigEntry *Entries() const { return m_pEntries; } Bool IsDirty() const { return m_bDirty; } // full name ('/' separated path from top) // caller must free buffer char *FullName() const; // find entry/subgroup (NULL if not found) ConfigGroup *FindSubgroup(const char *szName) const; ConfigEntry *FindEntry (const char *szName) const; // delete entry/subgroup, return FALSE if doesn't exist Bool DeleteSubgroup(const char *szName); Bool DeleteEntry (const char *szName); // create new entry/subgroup returning pointer to newly created element ConfigGroup *AddSubgroup(const char *szName); ConfigEntry *AddEntry (const char *szName); // will also recursively call parent's dirty flag void SetDirty(Bool bDirty = TRUE); // comment shouldn't be empty if this function is used void SetComment(char *szComment); // write dirty data Bool flush(ostream *ostr); }; // delete current group if has no more entries/subgroups // NB: changes m_pCurGroup is returns TRUE (i.e. the group was deleted) Bool DeleteIfEmpty(); ConfigGroup *m_pRootGroup, // there is one and only one root group *m_pCurGroup; // and also unique current (default) one // create all groups found in the strem under group pRootGroup or // m_pRootGroup if parameter is NULL // returns TRUE on success Bool readStream(istream *istr, ConfigGroup *pRootGroup = NULL); // construct global and local filenames based on the base file name // (which nevertheless may contain "/") // get the name of system-wide config file const char *GlobalConfigFile() const; // get the name of user's config file const char *LocalConfigFile() const; /// trivial initialization of member variables (common to all ctors) void Init(); private: char *m_szFileName; // config file name const char *m_szFullFileName; // full file name for error messages unsigned m_uiLine; // line number for error messages Bool m_bParsingLocal; // TRUE while parsing user's config file Bool m_bUseSubDir; // shall we use a subdirectory for config file? // we store in a variable all comments + whitespace preceding the // current entry or group in order to be able to store it later void AppendCommentLine(const char *psz = NULL); char *m_szComment; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// RegistryConfig uses Win32 registry API to store configuration info // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef __WIN32__ class RegistryConfig : public BaseConfig { public: /** @name Constructors and destructor */ //@{ /** szRootKey is the name of the top registry key (relative to HKLM\Software for system-wide settings and to HKCU\Software for user settings) @memo Ctor takes a string - root for our keys in registry. */ RegistryConfig(const char *szRootKey); /// dtor frees the resources ~RegistryConfig(); //@} /** @name Implementation of inherited pure virtual functions */ //@{ /// const char *readEntry(const char *szKey, const char *szDefault = NULL) const; /// long int readEntry(const char *szKey, long int Default) const { return BaseConfig::readEntry(szKey, Default); } /// double readEntry(const char *szKey, double Default) const { return BaseConfig::readEntry(szKey, Default); } /// Bool writeEntry(const char *szKey, const char *szValue); /// Bool writeEntry(const char *szKey, long int Value) { return BaseConfig::writeEntry(szKey, Default);} /// Bool writeEntry(const char *szKey, double Value) { return BaseConfig::writeEntry(szKey, Default); } /// Bool deleteEntry(const char *szKey); //@} /** @name Enumeration @see Enumerator, BaseConfig::enumSubgroups, BaseConfig::enumEntries */ //@{ /// Enumerate subgroups of the current group Enumerator *enumSubgroups() const; /// Enumerate entries of the current group Enumerator *enumEntries() const; //@} // intercept this function and change m_hCurrentKey virtual void changeCurrentPath(const char *szPath = ""); private: const char *ReadValue(void *hKey, const char *szValue) const; static Bool KeyIsEmpty(void *hKey); void *m_hGlobalRootKey, // top of system settings *m_hLocalRootKey, // top of user settings *m_hGlobalCurKey, // current registry key (child of global root) *m_hLocalCurKey; // local char *m_pLastRead; // pointer to last read value (###) }; #endif // WIN32 /// AppConfig is mapped on the class most appropriate for the target platform #if APPCONF_WIN32_NATIVE && defined(__WIN32__) typedef class RegistryConfig AppConfig; #else typedef class FileConfig AppConfig; #endif //@} //@} #endif //_APPCONF_H