
Fills momentum vs MDC dEdx ( HSplineTrack or HKickTrack ) for full tracks (seg1+seg2), seg1, seg2 , system 0/1 and sector wise.
Momentum version:-----------------------------------------------------------
The histograms can be filled by HKicktrack or HSplineTrack:
The selection can be done with
setUseSpline(Bool_t) :
kTRUE (default) - Fills from HSplineTrack
: kFALSE - Fills from HKickTrack
dEdx calculation:-----------------------------------------------------------
The mode of HMdcDeDx::calcDeDx(......., mode,module) can be switched
via setDeDxMode(Int_t m) : 0 (default) - Fills from HMdcSeg (only cells kept by the fitter)
1 - Fills from HMdcClusFit (cells with weight 0 AND 1 are used)
via setDeDxModule(Int_t m): 0 - Fills for 1st module in HMdcSeg
1 - Fills for 2nd module in HMdcSeg
2 (default) - Fills for both modules in HMdcSeg

via setDeDxWindow(Float_t w) the window of the truncated mean can be set
in units of sigma (default 5.0);
via setDeDxMinimumWires(Int_t n) the minimal number of wires after the truncated
mean procedure can be set.
via setDeDxUseShifts(Bool_t shift) the normalization procedure of the dEdx calculation
can be switched on or off (default=ON).
CPR mode:-------------------------------------------------------------------
Single wire distribution or ntuple filled for single or doubles of Jaro's CPR condition
Runs on special prepared input file (Stripped single or doubles with HKickTrack containing
1 for singles and 2 for doubles )
setCPR(Bool_t cpr) : kTRUE run in the special mode
setCPR(Bool_t cpr) : kFALSE (default) run in the normal mode
DEBUG mode:-----------------------------------------------------------------
If Debug mode is switched on (default OFF),
HMdcTrkCand.getFirstCandInd() =p*charge;
HMdcTrkCand.getNCandForSeg1() =single_double (only if cpr, 1=single,2=double);
The out put dEdx of HMdcTrkCand will be refilled with the calculated values.
setDebug(Bool_t d)