
This transformation class calculates the pseudo dEdx from t2-t1 (time above threshold) of all fired drift cells included in one HMdcSeg. The transformation is performed using the parameter container HMdcDeDx, which holds the parameters for normalization of the measured t2-t1 with impact angle and minimum distance to wire (CAL2 parameterization) and the algorithm to normalize the single measurements and average over all cells included in the segment. Inside the execute() function a loop over the category of HMdcTrkCand is performed and the dEdx calculation is done for each inner and outer HMdcSeg separately. The result is filled to HMdcTrkCand.
setDeDxMethod(Int_t vers) :
vers=0 (default) calculate from HMdcSeg
vers=1 calculate from HMdcClusFit
Explanations can be looked up in HMdcDeDx.