Olga and Vladimir's list: noisy and inactive channels by 317 day (B0) and 319 day (B1) from Nov'10 data.

S M Mb Ch Excess
0 II 13  59  ~10 times_
0 III 13 84-87  ~10 times
0 III 13 80-83  ~ 50-60 times
0 III 15 56  ~10 times
0 III 10  4  ~6 times
0 III 12 23  ~7 times
0 IV  3 24  ~4 times
3 III 9 60-63 ~16 times
3 III 9 40-43 ~25 times
3 III 9 44-47 ~12 times
3 IV 2 32-39, 53-55 ~7-12 times

S M Mb Ch
0  I  6  61-62
0 IV 1 49-51, 56-63
3  I  0  40-41
3  I  1  1, 20, 90
3  I  6  5
3  I  7  81
3  I  8  28-31
3  I 11 39, 59
3 III 6  4
3 III 7 29
3 IV 4 all channels
3 IV 14 24-27, 36-38, 56-59, 85-86, 93-94
Topic revision: r1 - 2011-02-11, AttilioTarantola
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