CAEN1527 Network And Status Watchdog


On Request of the HADES MDC group a local EPICS based watchdog unit is built to
  1. set and get via network as EPICS client the values of an extra measurement channel of the CAEN Crate (low Voltage)
  2. measures via an ADC (HadCon2) the output voltage
  3. compares the results, settings, and the status
  4. in case of failures
    1. issue a "soft CPU reset" via the external, activated RESET input
    2. redo checks
    3. if still in case of failure:
      1. issue a RAMPDOWN cmd via the modified external "KILL" input of the special MDC CAEN1527LC version.
      2. wait the maximal rampdown time
      3. issue a "soft CPU reset"
      4. check output Voltage:
        1. . if still not Zero escalate Alarming
      5. remain in "safe shutdown"



click to enlarge: sketch1.jpg

Hardware Setup




Raspberry Pi + HadCon2 + Relay Board HV Tap Alternative HV Tap
click to enlarge: 20180115_111935.jpg click to enlarge: 20180115_111956.jpg click to enlarge: 20180115_112015.jpg



tar ball
iocBoot section: st.cmd
App.../src section, executable
App.../Db section, the database
protocol StreamDevice Files

-- PeterZumbruch - 16 Jan 2018
-- MartinMitkov - 01 Sep 2016

-- PeterZumbruch - 2018-01-16
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
20160427_153804.jpgjpg 20160427_153804.jpg manage 10 MB 2016-08-23 - 10:27 PeterZumbruch sketch of function
20180115_111935.jpgjpg 20180115_111935.jpg manage 754 K 2018-01-16 - 10:23 PeterZumbruch Raspi + HadCon + Control
20180115_111956.jpgjpg 20180115_111956.jpg manage 823 K 2018-01-16 - 09:23 PeterZumbruch HV Tap
20180115_112015.jpgjpg 20180115_112015.jpg manage 167 K 2018-01-16 - 10:03 PeterZumbruch HV Voltage Divider Alternative
NetworkControl-Hardware.pngpng NetworkControl-Hardware.png manage 1 MB 2016-05-02 - 12:26 PeterZumbruch Hardware Setup
Watchdog_voltage_divider.xlsxxlsx Watchdog_voltage_divider.xlsx manage 31 K 2016-09-20 - 11:24 MartinMitkov Voltage divider calculations and expected ADC values
caen1527-watchdog.7z7z caen1527-watchdog.7z manage 9 K 2018-01-16 - 09:24 PeterZumbruch Tarball Developments Martin Mitko
caen1527LC_watchdog_extension_boards.pdfpdf caen1527LC_watchdog_extension_boards.pdf manage 994 K 2016-09-20 - 11:21 MartinMitkov hardware schematics and layout
sketch1.jpgjpg sketch1.jpg manage 10 MB 2016-08-23 - 10:28 PeterZumbruch sketch of function
Topic revision: r12 - 2018-01-16, PeterZumbruch
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