Agenda for the DAQ-Electronics-Integration-Meeting

data format for the different subsystems

  • news since the Sesimbra meeting (Michael B., Attilio, Marcin?, Marek?, etc.)
  • open issues
  • data packing in several layers of hubs (Jan)


  • include complete setup information in special triggers
    • done with slow-control or included in the data

MDC-latency discussion

  • long term issue: Do we have to "break" the TRB-Net, to allow for high speed MDC-triggers, as the MDC-optical links are so slow?

CTS features

  • status and needed features (Marek)

AddOns and Ethernet: Streaming API

  • Status and schedule


  • status of DMA

Priority Discussion (Michael)

please fill in, what you want to discuss or announce

Topic revision: r2 - 2010-01-01, JanMichel
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