How to use boards with etrax mcm
This boards are accessable at GSI under etrax201-etrax248.
How to login
Only via telnet:
telnet etrax2xx, where xx=01-48
There is two usefull users:
- root with with 4-letters password,
- hadaq without password and home directory -> /home/hadaq
What's happen after reboot
- The image of linux is unpacking,
- linux system is starting,
- network configuration. It is static and embedded in the image. This is the reason why so many images were created(see chapter: new version of net booting),
- the script
is running.
- if you are logged in as
, all in the file /home/hadaq/.profile
will be run after login
Boot from net
If you have a new board without the system on it or you want to change the system, you should do the following:
- go to
and change the user to root,
- set the board into the 'NetBoot' state,
- for HadControl: while powering up the board short circuit the upper two pins on SWNB1 (next to the MCM)

- to set environment variables needed to flash type:
. ./init_env
- to flash type (where xx=01-48):
./flashit -d eth1 -i ./etrax2xx/fimage
- successful example output:
./flashit -d eth1 -i ./de-etrax047/fimage
Using internal boot loader: INTERNAL_NW - Network boot (default).
Starting boot...
We're doing a flash write, this may take up to a few minutes...
Device ID = 0x0000cc64
This bootloader was built by hadaq on Mon Aug 28 12:52:34 CEST 2006.
Checksum of bootloader is 0x000a0adc
Waiting for load info.
Checksum of file is 0x00001d83
Got load info.
Checksum of file is 0x1faca2ac
Found 1 x CFI at 0x80000000
No single x16 at 0x84000000
No interleaved x16 at 0x84000000
0x80010000: Erasing 0x00010000 bytes
0x80010000: Writing 0x00010000 bytes
0x80020000: Erasing 0x00010000 bytes
0x80020000: Writing 0x00010000 bytes
0x802d0000: No need to write
0x80000000: Verifying...OK
Exiting with code 0
- set the board into the 'FlashBoot' state,
- i.e. for trb v1: change SW1 to 7
- restart of the board is NOT needed
- for HadControl: just power the board, nothing to do...
- if you can login and see the content of directory /home/hadaq, booting proccess finished correctly
new version of net booting
Now we have many images with the same system which differs only:
- net configuration(IP, netmask,hostname)
- NFS configuration(/home/hadaq is taken from hadeb05 or lxhadesdaq).
If the new system development kit is released(a few weeks), we want to change the system for:
only one image, where all above settings will be delivered by DHCP server.
Then the procedure will be like this:
- go to hadeb05:/home/hadaq/soft/devboard-mcm and change the user to root,
- set the board into the 'NetBoot' state,
- set the PATH variable by: ". init_env"
- type: boot -d eth1 -i ./fimage
- set the board into the 'FlashBoot' state,
- login to etrax001(our new board)
- change MAC address
- restart the board, now you can login on etrax0xx
RadekTrebacz - 14 Nov 2008
PeterZumbruch - 15 Feb 2012)