The Concurrent VP32x/02x VME CPUs boot via PXE. To get this working you have to enable booting via PXE in the BIOS of the CPU. Additionally, one should enable the Serial-Console for the BIOS, to enable remote control.


The one needs SYSLINUX, available at

Download the tar-ball at:

The tftpserver has to support the tsize command. The standard tftpd on Debian does not! tftpd-hpa does!

Unpack and put the pxelinux.0 in your tftp-directory.

Then make a new directory: pxelinux.cfg

This should look like this:

lxhadesdaq:/tftpboot# ls -R /tftpboot/
pxelinux.0  pxelinux.cfg

8CB54E8A  default  display.msg  memtest.bin vmlinuz-2.6.8-1-686-smp

8CB54E8A is the config file for the Ethernet-address, it (or default) looks like this:

##       A
serial 0 115200 0x003
default linux5
timeout 10
prompt 1
display display.msg

label linux
        kernel vmlinuz_2.6.12.2_2005_07_14
        append root=/dev/nfs rw ip=dhcp mem=400M console=ttyS0,115200

label linux5
        kernel vmlinuz_2.6.12.2_2005_07_20cct
        append root=/dev/nfs rw ip=dhcp mem=400M console=ttyS0,115200


The dhcp-server config has the following important settings:

option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers,;

option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;



host hadc01 {
   hardware ethernet 00:40:9E:00:85:04;
   server-name "";
#### this option is needed for new dhcp-servers 

   filename "pxelinux.0";
   option root-path "/var/diskless/linuxvme/hadc01";



compiling is done on lxhadesdaq with: make menuconfig make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=xxxxx make modules_install

Remove all unnecessary stuff from the config.

  • Enable IP autoconfiguration in
│ -> Device Drivers -> Networking support -> Networking support (NET [=y]) -> Networking options -> TCP/IP networking (INET [=y])
  • After that enable Root over NFS in the Filesystems->NetworkFilesystems part

The standard kernel-.config did not work. The insmod vmedriver.ko always failed with:
"Jul 19 14:27:48 hadc01 kernel: Failed to re-map Universe device to Kernel space"

What helped was to use the .config from ConcurrentTechnologies. It is attached.


can be found in:



  • Multiprocess is not working with the Sharc Boards
  • I assume that VME-mapping is either not working over large spaces (0x1000000) or, that PCI-maps should not be allowed to overlap. The MU-programming does not work if PCI-mapping is very large
  • the kernel needs the mem=xxxM append statement. Otherwise the insmode vmedriver resMemSize=32MB doesn't work!

-- MichaelTraxler - 14 Jul 2005

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
config_2.6.22.1_concurrent1_concurrent config_2.6.22.1_concurrent manage 40 K 2007-08-01 - 11:01 MichaelTraxler for the new VME-CPU
kernel_config_2005_07_19cctEXT kernel_config_2005_07_19cct manage 28 K 2005-07-22 - 13:37 MichaelTraxler Config File for kernel which works with Concurrent VME-Driver
Topic revision: r8 - 2007-08-15, MichaelTraxler
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