Backlinks to MdcAddonCooperation in all Webs (Search DaqSlowControl Web only)

Results from DaqSlowControl web retrieved at 14:11 (Local)

Weekly MDC Readout Upgrade Meeting The protocol of the meetings: MdcReadoutupgrademeeting Readout via OEP and MDC Optical AddOn MDC OEP testing, mounting, com...
I propose to use the following components: * SPFEIM100_G optical transceiver from Infineon (I ordered 30 of them 2007 01 29 ) * a 100 300Mbits/s SERDES. In...
Development and Testing of new Hardware * DatawordOutput Example output for event data * DebugLists monitored signals for debugging * HardwareTest ...
Weekly meeting on MDC readout upgrade Main.BurkhardKolb 08 Sep 2009 Participants: Main.BurkhardKolb, Main.JanMichel, Main.JoernWuestenfeld, Main.KathrinGoeb...
Number of topics: 4

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