BorislavMilanovic - 31 Jul 2009
I would like to have a complete summary, of what signals need to be monitored at the moment. It is highly necessary, as we are optimizing the monitoring system right now and need to calculate all the possibilities (width,depth,ressources,timings,etc...).
General signals:
For HUBs:
- The busy pattern from the ports (e.g. 12 bit pattern) with 1kHz. To be read out via the software with 10 Hz (i.e. 100 patterns in order to collect some statistics)
MDC signals:
- Temperatures (not only from OEP's)
- Statistics from OEP's like: Error rates, event sizes etc.
- ???
RICH signals:
TOF signals:
Currently, a modification to the SW part is being performed due to EPICS compatibility.