Address | Bit range | Meaning |
91 | 15 downto 0 | lvl1 trigger number |
91 | 19 downto 16 | lvl1 trigger code |
91 | 20 | lvl1 cts busy |
91 | 21 | lvl1 trbnet busy |
91 | 22 | lvl1 local busy |
91 | 23 | lvl1 trigger box busy |
91 | 31 downto 24 | lvl1 trigger random code |
92 | 19 downto 0 | lvl1 trigger rate (accepted triggers/s) |
92 | 20 | apv double pulse busy (RICH) |
92 | 21 | lvl1 self trigger |
92 | 25 downto 22 | event rate cntr(7,9,11,13) - for diods |
92 | 26 | lvl2 cts busy |
92 | 27 | lvl2 trbnet busy |
92 | 28 | lvl2 local busy |
93 | 0 | CTS fifo full b(for random numbers) |
93 | 1 | CTS fifo empty b |
93 | 2 | CTS fifo full a (trigger code and number) |
93 | 3 | CTS fifo empty a |
93 | 11 downto 4 | lvl1-lvl2 : difference counter |
93 | 23 downto 12 | lvl2 trigger number (11 downto 0) |
93 | 31 downto 24 | CTS fifo data counter a |
c3 | 4 | disable readout on etrax |
c5 | 15 downto 0 | enable individual triggers: (4 downto 0) - LVDS(4 downto 0) - corresponds to ado_lv(9 downto 0) on the trbv2 schematics (9 downto 5) - LVTTL(20 downto 16) - corresponds to ado_ttl(20 downto 16) on the trbv2 schematics (10) trigger form fast reference trigger - corresponds to Vir_Trig on the trbv2 schematics (11) self triggering (internal generator) (12) coincidence LVDS(0) and LVDS(1) (13) Trigger from C5(28) register (14) coincidence LVTTL(0) and LVTTL(1) (15) coincidence LVTTL(2) and LVTTL(3) Depends which input is enabled there is corresponding trigger code 0 - x0xf , 1 - x0xe, 2 - 0xd ... |
c5 | 17 downto 16 | change source of LVL2 trigger: "00" - auto "01" - LVDS lines "10"- local source |
c5 | 27 downto 20 | how many LVL1 trigger has to pass to send LVL2 trigger |
c5 | 28 | trigger on rising edge |
c5 | 29 | not used |
c5 | 30 | enable connection to trigger box |
c5 | 31 | make double APV pulse |
c6 | 7 downto 0 | LVL2 downscale |
c6 | 27 downto 8 | frequency of self triggering : 50MHz/value |
c6 | 31 downto 28 | length of timing trigger : 100ns + value*10ns (when is value< 7), when value > 6 time = (value - 7) * 10ns |
c7 | 4 downto 0 | if c7(4)=1 the lvl1 trigger type equals c7(3 downto 0) else type is defined internally or by trigger box |
c8 | 13 downto 0 | lvl1 trigger information 13 downto 0 |
c9 | 31 downto 0 | how many events is send before next ID of IP address is changed, when equals 0 then default is taken from c10(3 downto 0) |
c11-c10 | all bits divided into nibles | First nible ( c10(3 downto 0) ) is the first ID of the EB IP and so on (16 IDs) |
Address | Bit range | Meaning |
cc | 31 downto 0 | input enables |
d0 c16 - c13 | all bits | downscale, each nibble corresponds to one input |
d4 - d1 | all bits | width, each nibble corresponds to one input |
d9 | 31 downto 0 | TS gating disable |
da | 31 downto 0 | trigger out enable |
db | 23 downto 0 | multiplexer out selsect |
dc | 4 downto 0 | if c28(4)=0 then normal trigger selection else trigger code = c(28)(3 downto 0) |
dc | 5 | MDC callibration trigger disable |
dc | 6 | Force Shower calibration trigger |
dc | 7 | Enable daily Shower calibration trigger |
dc | 11 downto 8 | Select frequency for generated trigger,781.25kHz/(2^value) |
89 | - | trigger logic debug out |
9a -bb | all bits | scalers out |
Address | Bit range | Meaning |
c8 | 13 downto 0 | trigger information in |
cb - ca | all 32 bits | IP LUT each nibble corresponds to given IP address, the CTS is deciding to which EB current event should go (round robin) |