Please make a block diagram

Please add schematics here...


The trigger bus jumpers are not correctly pulled: To be a DTU, the data pin must be a pull-up, not a pull-down. The reason is that the DTU has to drive the direction, since it is a BUS. Therefore the data pin must be high.

Tiagos Idea: Close both jumpers if the hadcom is a DTU.

For the CTU the silk description is correct (CTU is areceiver).

Old stuff

To get ise impact running is a hard job. Do not try the kermel module from xilinx, it does not work with a kernel 2.6.13


still not working when your version.h has a string like "...smp SMP" since the driver want to make a dir name out of it. Change the line in the configure script:

echo "int init_module(void) { char *jsver = \"2.6.13-15-blabla\"; return 0; }" >> hello.c

now at least the module loads. More after my vacation... Ingo

-- IngoFroehlich - 20 Jul 2006

Topic revision: r5 - 2007-12-28, JanMichel
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