Backlinks to NewTriggerBusMedia in all Webs (Search DaqSlowControl Web only)

Results from DaqSlowControl web retrieved at 16:25 (Local)

Requirements * Cascadable system (a lot of TRBs have to be connected) * Node to Node length at least 100m * Low latency ( There is also the option...
Overview The network protocol is the most critical part of the complete concept. It should match the requirements (low latency), but should be flexible on the o...
Overview The TrbNetIBUF is buffering the data coming from the media. All word which are offered by the media must be read, otherwise something is completly wrong ...
Overview The TrbNetIOBUF is the basic element which controls the connection between the media layer (after de multiplexing of the individual channels) and the Fan...
Overview The TrbNetOBUF is controlling what data content is leaving the hub. Signal description Media direction port (similar as described in NewTriggerBusMedia...
Number of topics: 5

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