The sound server is a "superdaemon" running on "hadesdaq", as well as on hadc08 and lxhadesdaq

Install the sound server:

  • checkout the "tools" module
  • as root: ./ base

In addition, the applications have to be installed

  • ./ app

Start the daemon:

  • as root: /etc/init.d/daqserverx restart

Futher tasks are started internally, based on the CPU

  • If you have no root permission, use: nohup /home/hadaq/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1 & But it has to restarted after each boot!

The sound server may run on more clients, just to listen what daq is doing...

-- IngoFroehlich - 24 Apr 2006
Topic revision: r3 - 2007-03-26, IngoFroehlich
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