The slow control system must be able to perform the following operations. All the operations should be possible to perform on the whole HADES system (all electronics and DAQ software) as well as on the following sub systems: RICH, MDC, PreShower, TOF (including START), TRIG, DAQ (DAQ-Software). The status of the slow control software itself (including run control for the DAQ-Software) shall not be changed by any of the operations.
For each board that shall be controlled by slow control, a C-Code file including the necessary functions for performing the above tasks must be provided. This implies also the corresponding header with function prototypes. This file will be used as library for several applications:
and resulting in the well known
*ctrl programs.
All symbols that are visible in global name space must be prepended by the prefix Boardtype to prevent name clashes. The functions expect a board name, i.e. a name to find the parameters for that specific board, and a structure that allows to fetch operating parameters via an arbitrary mechanism. Up to now, this mechanism will be a simple text file containing the parameters ("param.tcl"). It will be substituted by a link to the Oracle database in the future. The functions return an integer reporting success (0) or error (-1).
Assume a board of type Blub. The header file named blub_lib.h would look like this:
#ifndef BLUB_LIB_H #define BLUB_LIB_H #include <param.h> int Blub_init(const char *name, const Param *param); int Blub_reset(const char *name, const Param *param); int Blub_start(const char *name, const Param *param); int Blub_stop(const char *name, const Param *param); #endif
For stand alone tests and as long as the DAQ slow control is not integrated into the EPICS system, a few simple place holders shall be provided.
Using the *_lib.[ch] files described above, for each board a simple driver ("main program") shall be provided. It shall be named boardtypectrl and recognize the slow control operations and the board name as parameter.
For example, one Blub board (named blub0) can be reset with the command:
$ blubctrl reset blub0The code for this program would look like this:
static char rcsId[] = "$Id: RunControlStatesNov00.txt,v 1.2 2005/06/02 12:37:05 SimonLang Exp www-data $"; #include <stdlib.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <strings.h> #include "param.h" #include "blub_lib.h" void usage(char *commandName) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s command boardName\n", commandName); fprintf(stderr, "where command may be one of the following:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "init\n"); fprintf(stderr, "reset\n"); fprintf(stderr, "start\n"); fprintf(stderr, "stop\n"); fprintf(stderr, "status\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Param paramS, *param = ¶mS; char *name; char *command; if(argc < 3) { usage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } command = argv[1]; name = argv[2]; if (-1 == conParam(param)) { perror("conParam"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(strcmp(command, "init") == 0) { Blub_init(name, param); } else if(strcmp(command, "reset") == 0) { Blub_reset(name, param); } else if(strcmp(command, "start") == 0) { Blub_start(name, param); } else if(strcmp(command, "stop") == 0) { Blub_stop(name, param); } else if(strcmp(command, "status") == 0) { Blub_status(name, param); } else { usage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } desParam(param); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
Obvious problems in that code are error handling and safe deinitialization, these are postponed until more experience with the EPICS CAS is available.
Note: This driver is a placeholder for the EPICS control. Don't try to add fancy functionality that may not be possible to reflect in EPICS.
The setup of a whole subsystem usually consists of the setup of several boards, therefore several calls to *ctrl programs. For this operation, a script shall be provided to init, reset, start and stop a whole subsystem. This script shall be called like the subsystem itself (rich, mdc, shw, tof). Called without any further parameters, it shall do the requested operation for the currently usable configuration.
For example, the setup of the whole rich subsystem (DTU, CTU, RC etc.) is done with
$ rich init
Note: The purpose of this script is to reflect the currently running configuration, so they need to be changed every time the configuration is changed. Please do not try to parameterize the scripts, the scripts shall provide the necessary knowledge, not the user.
-- MathiasMuench - 11 Feb 2005