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Results from DaqSlowControl web retrieved at 16:30 (Local)

Howto build a Hadaq test system More or less, enter the following commands. Adjust the path names to your needs. At the top of semaphore.c is a union inside #ifde...
CVS Basics Here are some most often used CVS commands. After you got your local copy of a module, all the CVS commands related to the module you should do insi...
Info * Where to find * Etrax FS fimage for flashing: * hadaq@depc187:/home/hadaq/etrax_soft/etrax_fs/devboard R2_20/ * Etrax FS fimage for ...
In the base dir, change the files and make the new subdir and copy a from a different subdir (not from the main dir!!!). Edit...
Porting the LVME library to Concurrent VME CPU Notes Modules in Test Crate $ SAM: 0x33300000 $ CAEN: 0xeeee0000 $ DTU: 0x44000000 ToDo * Remove D8...
Stable releases of modules, corresponding CVS tags and description of each release are given in a table below: Module CVS tag comment hadaq ...
Stable releases of modules, corresponding CVS tags and description of each release are given in a table below: (How to checkout branch: cvs checkout r stab_oct07...
Unpacking, hld The script unpacks the hld file (taking into account big/little endian byte ordering) and stores the output in the array. User can u...
The Hades Data Aquisition and Slow Control System Welcome to the DaqSlowControl web used by .HadesDaqSlowControlGroup. Please use this tool frequently and add/cha...
Number of topics: 10

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