The TIP has to provide theta and phi of lepton candidates for the Matching Unit. Therefore it needes the calibration parameters of the TOF detector. There is no automatic connection to oracle!
This page describes how to change these parameters
Step 1: TOF people have to provide the ASCII param file. It should be stored somewhere on the lxi-cluster.
Step 2: Log into the lxixxx as the user "hades". Go to ~/hades-lynx/BEAMTIME/slow/tip, where BEAMTIME is our current beamtime. Copy the ASCII file to this location and give a good name to it, like "tof_params_BEAMTIME_DATE.txt".
Step 3: Edit the file: Remove all lines above the numbers and below. The first line should contain
0 0 0 ....
and the last line
5 7 7 ....
It is very important that there is a RETURN after the last line!. You can check this:
> wc tof_params_current
384 6144
Step 4: Remove the symbolic link "tof_params_current" and set it to the new file. Tell the DAQ operator that you have changed something in case of troubles.
Step 5: Make a logbook entry with the filename of the new calibration.
HadesDaq - 16 Sep 2005