
There are some ready-to-use endpoints. These endpoints are named accordingly to their kind and number of interfaces: For example "trb_net16_endpoint_0_trg_1_api" contains no trigger receivers but one interface to send and receive data. They can be configured with generic values according to TrbNetConfiguration

For a complete list of files see TrbNetFiles.

Where to use?

These endpoints can be used on any board with just one media interface, for example on a trb without addon, on the acromag or on addon boards with no further network connection to frontend electronics.

In situations, where two or more media interfaces are used (this will be the case on any trb with addon board), instead a TrbNetHub is used which provides essentially the same interfaces despite the bigger number of media interfaces. In fact, a hub can (soon) be used as replacement for any endpoint, but will result in a slightly bigger logic consumption.

Space consumption

Estimated values for space consumption in a Virtex 2 / 4 device. The multiplexer width is fixed to four channels.

DescriptionSorted descending Used Slices
trb_net16_endpoint_1_trg_1_api, fifo size 1 or 7 700
trb_net16_endpoint_1_trg_0_api 400
trb_net16_endpoint_0_trg_1_api, fifo size 7 600
trb_net16_endpoint_0_trg_1_api, fifo size 1 550

Notice: fifo sizes 2 and 3 lead to much bigger slices usage. The actual size can be smaller since most of the status registers are currently not read out.

This topic: DaqSlowControl > OutdatedPages > DaqNetwork > TrbNetUsersGuide > TrbNetEndpoints
Topic revision: 2007-12-28, JanMichel
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