VNC connection to hadesdaq and the problems

For some unknown reasons the vnc connection (just the authentification) to hadesdaq is not working reliably.

The following will happen:

$ vncviewer hadesdaq:1
Connected to RFB server, using protocol version 3.7
Enabling TightVNC protocol extensions
Performing standard VNC authentication
Unknown VNC authentication result: 33554432

One known workaround which works for me (Michael) is the following:
  • Put the Hadesdaq password into the clipboard
  • After hitting return when starting the vncviewer in the shell, just click the middle-button of your mouse and paste the password.

This will reliably start the vncviewer. The important thing is the time from starting the vncviewer till the time you hit enter when the password is entered. This should not exceed approx. 1 second. Strange but true!

This also works for realVNC for Win32. Anyhow, it's a little bit tricky to be fast enough after the login window appears. -- MathiasMuench - 09 Mar 2005

If the vncserver is really dead (never happend to me):
  • Log on to hadesdaq
  • su to root
  • /etc/init.d/vncserver stop
  • /etc/init.d/vncserver start

That's it. Then the Xvnc will start again.

-- MichaelTraxler - 09 Mar 2005
Topic revision: r3 - 2009-12-13, JanMichel
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