TDC calibration of TRB3

TRB3 can be calibrated in following few steps:

1.) Take a file with calibration data

- you have to set the CTS - on the right side fill "d" into OWN_TYPE window and "on" into window OWN_TYPE_EN below. This activates pulser on TRB3 board and in PaDiWa registers can be se the same value cca 100 kHz in all channels.

- than put some value into the CTS window pulser (any up to 10 kHz), this will be the rate at which the data will be taken.

- now start DAQ with prefix st

- this starts to create one file with unlimited size on eventbuilder2 (files grows until one stops the DAQ). File size around 6GB means one has around 1000 events per each TRB3 channel.

2.) Linking the file to your working location, subsequent analysis

- log-in to hadaq@lxhadeb06:~/tdccalibr_june14

- hldlast 5 - shows the location of last 5 files (this should include the calibration one) -> not necessary (only one needs to know the path to the calibration st*.hld file)

- hldlast_store - creates a link to the file -> not necessary

- set correct enviroment: . ./

- analysis can be started using "go4analysis -user /store/way_to_the_file.hld"

- result of the analysis is a .cal file for each of the TRB3 FPGA, summary of results is in a Go4AutoSave.root file (here one can check the number of events per bin in each channel).

3.) Conversion of .cal to .asci file

- use "write_to_asci.C" macro

- this creates asci calibration file, which can be than copied at the end of already existing .asci calibration file (eg. for pion tracker)

4.) .cal files can be used also directly, see macro for diamond detector (hadaq@xboxp:~/analysis/diamond_DA/newDST) -

-- OndrejSvoboda - 18 Jun 2014
Topic revision: r2 - 2014-07-15, LukasChlad
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