this is the third version of alignment done by Alexander Schmah, in the following called "real" alignment.


  1. plane I: using the photomodeler 5 the chambers are aligned with respect to each other
  2. plane II: using the photomodeler 5 the chambers are aligned with respect to each other
  3. using cosmic rays the pyramids of plane I chambers and plane II chambers are aligned with respect to each other
  4. target alignment using hits from plane I and II
  5. outer chambers: using hits from inner chambers pointing towards outer, the outer chambers are aligned individually and not as a "package" (straight tracks, B=0)
  6. tof alignment: straight tracks
  7. shower alignment: straight tracks
  8. tofino alignment: position of shower is taken and the design value (difference shower ideal and tofino ideal) is applied
  9. mdc with respect to magnet: using the photomodeller the position of one mdc with respect to the magnet is determined

general settings:
  • xdir and ydir are not used anymore for the alignment
  • minimization: distance
  • file used for alignment of drift chambers and 3 segmented target, no magnetic field:be04242033720.hld
  • calibration used: see slopes and offsets, same as for 1st alignment version

Problems with:

  • target position for one sector of the inner chambers can not be well adjusted
  • inner mdcs sector 3: when trying to reconstruct the target, one has problems with sector 3, the resolution is worse, reason unknown
  • Sector 1 plane IV: chamber has hardware problems. thus few hits available, in the middle of the chamebrs there are no hits. nevertheless a position is determined. from Jan04 alignment is applied
  • Sector 3 plane III: hardware problems, but alignment position could be found

Full Target Position

target position not checked for full target with file, no magnetic field, because last time it turned out that the target position for 3-seg-target and full target is the same

Target Position


Difference new alignment and ideal alignment position

(difference only in translation, no rotation check, target not taken into account)
difference in mm
Sector: 0 Module: 0 :   2.31351 2.817 26.445
Sector: 0 Module: 1 :   0.9219 2.002 1.474
Sector: 0 Module: 2 :   -0.888227 -13.983 -19.62
Sector: 0 Module: 3 :   1.41101 -15.769 -16.895
Sector: 1 Module: 0 :   2.061 2.484 25.399
Sector: 1 Module: 1 :   0.167 2.344 1.343
Sector: 1 Module: 2 :   14.791 -4.229 -20.442
Sector: 1 Module: 3 :   14.865 -2.464 -21.535
Sector: 2 Module: 0 :   1.194 2.382 24.329
Sector: 2 Module: 1 :   -0.942 2.666 1.516
Sector: 2 Module: 2 :   8.668 4.213 -19.63
Sector: 2 Module: 3 :   0 0 0
Sector: 3 Module: 0 :   0.915602 1.138 23.8
Sector: 3 Module: 1 :   -2.02984 1.683 1.558
Sector: 3 Module: 2 :   -2.67328 9.673 -26.323
Sector: 3 Module: 3 :   -0.493039 12.379 -24.445
Sector: 4 Module: 0 :   1.736 1.096 24.237
Sector: 4 Module: 1 :   -0.519 -0.593 1.674
Sector: 4 Module: 2 :   -14.17 4.829 -23.203
Sector: 4 Module: 3 :   -15.285 5.331 -23.115
Sector: 5 Module: 0 :   2.656 1.45 25.735
Sector: 5 Module: 1 :   0.833 0.227 1.519
Sector: 5 Module: 2 :   -9.281 -7.889 -24.415
Sector: 5 Module: 3 :   0 0 0

Difference new alignment and 1st alignment version

(difference only in translation, no rotation check, target only in z taken into account)
difference in mm
Sector: 0 Module: 0 :   1.40151 1.213 -1.705
Sector: 0 Module: 1 :   2.5639 1.119 -2.561
Sector: 0 Module: 2 :   7.19877 -3.33 -9.993
Sector: 0 Module: 3 :   7.89201 -5.32 -9.53
Sector: 1 Module: 0 :   1.849 -0.327 -3.063
Sector: 1 Module: 1 :   2.234 0.124 -3.631
Sector: 1 Module: 2 :   5.996 1.249 -7.871
Sector: 1 Module: 3 :   7.52 1.782 -9.67
Sector: 2 Module: 0 :   2.377 -0.426 -3.348
Sector: 2 Module: 1 :   2.572 0.102 -3.784
Sector: 2 Module: 2 :   3.527 3.339 -6.428
Sector: 2 Module: 3 :   0 0 2
Sector: 3 Module: 0 :   2.7926 -0.459 -2.78
Sector: 3 Module: 1 :   2.97416 0.313 -3.654
Sector: 3 Module: 2 :   2.71372 5.8 -9.445
Sector: 3 Module: 3 :   2.53196 8.21 -11.83
Sector: 4 Module: 0 :   2.913 0.706 -2.03
Sector: 4 Module: 1 :   3.234 -0.257 -2.482
Sector: 4 Module: 2 :   0.493 -2.956 -7.933
Sector: 4 Module: 3 :   0.52 -4.931 -9.35
Sector: 5 Module: 0 :   2.438 1.057 -1.318
Sector: 5 Module: 1 :   3.208 0.299 -2.144
Sector: 5 Module: 2 :   1.732 -5.875 -10.184
Sector: 5 Module: 3 :   0 0 2

Overlap Checker

extrusions exist, mdc overlaps with:
  • Tof detector (why?)
  • magnet (hopefully: drift chamber with air between the coils)
  • stones (have to be shifted for new alignment position)

unit: cm
====  Checking overlaps for HadesGeom within a limit of 0.0001 ====
   number of illegal overlaps/extrusions : 49
=== Overlaps for HadesGeom ===
* extrusion ov00/SEC2_x_14: vol=SEC2 node=SHK2_1 extr=1.68884
* extrusion ov01/SEC5_x_14: vol=SEC5 node=SHK5_1 extr=1.55923
* extrusion ov02/SEC6_x_13: vol=SEC6 node=SHK6_1 extr=0.975379
* extrusion ov03/SEC4_x_14: vol=SEC4 node=SHK4_1 extr=0.86161
* extrusion ov04/SEC3_x_13: vol=SEC3 node=SHK3_1 extr=0.674225
* extrusion ov05/SEC2_x_0: vol=SEC2 node=DR1M_2 extr=0.629019
* extrusion ov06/SEC5_x_0: vol=SEC5 node=DR1M_5 extr=0.627935
* extrusion ov07/SEC1_x_0: vol=SEC1 node=DR1M_1 extr=0.480024
* extrusion ov08/SEC5_x_2: vol=SEC5 node=DR3M_5 extr=0.363004
* extrusion ov09/SEC1_x_14: vol=SEC1 node=SHK1_1 extr=0.355374
* extrusion ov10/SEC6_x_2: vol=SEC6 node=DR3M_6 extr=0.329577
* extrusion ov11/SEC4_x_2: vol=SEC4 node=DR3M_4 extr=0.280583
* extrusion ov12/SEC6_x_0: vol=SEC6 node=DR1M_6 extr=0.241672
* extrusion ov13/SEC4_x_0: vol=SEC4 node=DR1M_4 extr=0.231235
* extrusion ov14/SEC3_x_0: vol=SEC3 node=DR1M_3 extr=0.207534
* extrusion ov15/SEC3_x_1: vol=SEC3 node=DR2M_3 extr=0.150537
* extrusion ov16/SEC1_x_1: vol=SEC1 node=DR2M_1 extr=0.105603
* extrusion ov17/SEC2_x_1: vol=SEC2 node=DR2M_2 extr=0.0832728
* extrusion ov18/SEC4_x_1: vol=SEC4 node=DR2M_4 extr=0.0814031
* extrusion ov19/SEC5_x_1: vol=SEC5 node=DR2M_5 extr=0.043676
* extrusion ov20/SEC6_x_1: vol=SEC6 node=DR2M_6 extr=0.0115917
* extrusion ov21/RMET_x_0: vol=RMET node=RPAS_1 extr=0.000163955
* extrusion ov22/RMET_x_5: vol=RMET node=RPAS_6 extr=0.000163955
* extrusion ov23/RMET_x_2: vol=RMET node=RPAS_3 extr=0.000163955
* extrusion ov24/RMET_x_3: vol=RMET node=RPAS_4 extr=0.000163955
* extrusion ov25/RMET_x_29: vol=RMET node=RPCS_4 extr=0.000114818
* extrusion ov26/RMET_x_26: vol=RMET node=RPCS_1 extr=0.000114818
* extrusion ov27/RMET_x_31: vol=RMET node=RPCS_6 extr=0.000114818
* extrusion ov28/RMET_x_28: vol=RMET node=RPCS_3 extr=0.000114818
* extrusion ov29/RMET_x_30: vol=RMET node=RPCS_5 extr=0.000108614
* extrusion ov30/RMET_x_27: vol=RMET node=RPCS_2 extr=0.000108614
* overlap ov31/SEC2_o_3_11: vol=SEC2 T22F_2> ovlp=2.22226
* overlap ov32/SEC5_o_3_12: vol=SEC5 T22F_5> ovlp=1.64269
* overlap ov33/SEC1_o_3_11: vol=SEC1 T22F_1> ovlp=1.06021
* overlap ov34/SEC4_o_3_12: vol=SEC4 T22F_4> ovlp=0.439738
* overlap ov35/SEC2_o_0_15: vol=SEC2 FD1S_2> ovlp=0.374284
* overlap ov36/SEC4_o_0_15: vol=SEC4 FD1S_4> ovlp=0.274319
* overlap ov37/SEC3_o_0_14: vol=SEC3 FD1S_3> ovlp=0.264599
* overlap ov38/SEC6_o_1_16: vol=SEC6 FD2S_6> ovlp=0.226093
* overlap ov39/SEC1_o_0_15: vol=SEC1 FD1S_1> ovlp=0.198379
* overlap ov40/SEC5_o_0_15: vol=SEC5 FD1S_5> ovlp=0.156793
* overlap ov41/SEC4_o_1_4: vol=SEC4 CKIV_4> ovlp=0.119696
* overlap ov42/SEC1_o_1_17: vol=SEC1 FD2S_1> ovlp=0.117348
* overlap ov43/SEC2_o_1_17: vol=SEC2 FD2S_2> ovlp=0.10632
* overlap ov44/SEC6_o_0_14: vol=SEC6 FD1S_6> ovlp=0.0833335
* overlap ov45/SEC3_o_1_3: vol=SEC3 CKIV_3> ovlp=0.0454866
* overlap ov46/SEC5_o_1_17: vol=SEC5 FD2S_5> ovlp=0.03315
* overlap ov47/SEC6_o_1_3: vol=SEC6 CKIV_6> ovlp=0.00444592
* overlap ov48/SEC5_o_1_4: vol=SEC5 CKIV_5> ovlp=0.000594373

Tof aligned position vs ideal position

only z postion of target taken into account, no rotation
Sector: 1 Module: 1 :   4.13634 7.504 -37.118
Sector: 1 Module: 2 :   3.26067 2.748 -38.546
Sector: 1 Module: 3 :   2.45467 -1.891 -40.516
Sector: 1 Module: 4 :   1.75778 -6.196 -42.972
Sector: 1 Module: 5 :   1.02977 -10.189 -44.263
Sector: 1 Module: 6 :   0.705301 -12.655 -46.536
Sector: 1 Module: 7 :   0.42294 -14.997 -49.068
Sector: 1 Module: 8 :   0.204136 -17.125 -51.75
Sector: 2 Module: 1 :   -10.583 15.852 -36.084
Sector: 2 Module: 2 :   -4.652 13.234 -37.997
Sector: 2 Module: 3 :   1.091 10.59 -40.645
Sector: 2 Module: 4 :   6.377 8.059 -43.953
Sector: 2 Module: 5 :   11.355 5.843 -45.683
Sector: 2 Module: 6 :   14.306 4.279 -48.756
Sector: 2 Module: 7 :   17.117 2.734 -52.178
Sector: 2 Module: 8 :   19.615 1.294 -55.8
Sector: 3 Module: 1 :   -11.453 -7.242 -33.689
Sector: 3 Module: 2 :   -9.802 -5.694 -34.367
Sector: 3 Module: 3 :   -8.159 -4.21 -35.298
Sector: 3 Module: 4 :   -6.613 -2.88 -36.454
Sector: 3 Module: 5 :   -5.215 -1.581 -37.073
Sector: 3 Module: 6 :   -4.314 -0.877 -38.136
Sector: 3 Module: 7 :   -3.423 -0.224 -39.318
Sector: 3 Module: 8 :   -2.605 0.335 -40.58
Sector: 4 Module: 1 :   6.55938 -15.974 -40.691
Sector: 4 Module: 2 :   6.38062 -12.428 -41.764
Sector: 4 Module: 3 :   6.21694 -8.979 -43.241
Sector: 4 Module: 4 :   6.0764 -5.784 -45.078
Sector: 4 Module: 5 :   5.92792 -2.811 -46.053
Sector: 4 Module: 6 :   5.86398 -0.985 -47.746
Sector: 4 Module: 7 :   5.80904 0.757 -49.638
Sector: 4 Module: 8 :   5.76741 2.335 -51.64
Sector: 5 Module: 1 :   13.773 -8.892 -39.745
Sector: 5 Module: 2 :   9.792 -6.404 -41.156
Sector: 5 Module: 3 :   5.839 -4.09 -43.104
Sector: 5 Module: 4 :   2.103 -2.054 -45.531
Sector: 5 Module: 5 :   -1.255 0.019 -46.813
Sector: 5 Module: 6 :   -3.486 1.011 -49.056
Sector: 5 Module: 7 :   -5.657 1.896 -51.558
Sector: 5 Module: 8 :   -7.665 2.611 -54.2
Sector: 6 Module: 1 :   28.493 -2.988 -31.452
Sector: 6 Module: 2 :   21.492 -4.576 -33.47
Sector: 6 Module: 3 :   14.609 -6.03 -36.27
Sector: 6 Module: 4 :   8.143 -7.263 -39.77
Sector: 6 Module: 5 :   2.245 -8.585 -41.603
Sector: 6 Module: 6 :   -1.536 -9.127 -44.856
Sector: 6 Module: 7 :   -5.217 -9.585 -48.478
Sector: 6 Module: 8 :   -8.565 -9.92 -52.32

Tof aligned position vs 1st quasi aligned position

only z postion of target taken into account, no rotation
Sector: 1 Module: 1 :   4.13634 7.504 0.509
Sector: 1 Module: 2 :   3.26067 2.748 -0.919
Sector: 1 Module: 3 :   2.45467 -1.891 -2.889
Sector: 1 Module: 4 :   1.75778 -6.196 -5.345
Sector: 1 Module: 5 :   1.02977 -10.189 -6.636
Sector: 1 Module: 6 :   0.705301 -12.655 -8.909
Sector: 1 Module: 7 :   0.42294 -14.997 -11.441
Sector: 1 Module: 8 :   0.204136 -17.125 -14.123
Sector: 2 Module: 1 :   -10.583 15.852 4.487
Sector: 2 Module: 2 :   -4.652 13.234 2.574
Sector: 2 Module: 3 :   1.091 10.59 -0.074
Sector: 2 Module: 4 :   6.377 8.059 -3.382
Sector: 2 Module: 5 :   11.355 5.843 -5.112
Sector: 2 Module: 6 :   14.306 4.279 -8.185
Sector: 2 Module: 7 :   17.117 2.734 -11.607
Sector: 2 Module: 8 :   19.615 1.294 -15.229
Sector: 3 Module: 1 :   -11.453 -7.242 7.513
Sector: 3 Module: 2 :   -9.802 -5.694 6.835
Sector: 3 Module: 3 :   -8.159 -4.21 5.904
Sector: 3 Module: 4 :   -6.613 -2.88 4.748
Sector: 3 Module: 5 :   -5.215 -1.581 4.129
Sector: 3 Module: 6 :   -4.314 -0.877 3.066
Sector: 3 Module: 7 :   -3.423 -0.224 1.884
Sector: 3 Module: 8 :   -2.605 0.335 0.622
Sector: 4 Module: 1 :   6.55938 -15.974 4.187
Sector: 4 Module: 2 :   6.38062 -12.428 3.114
Sector: 4 Module: 3 :   6.21694 -8.979 1.637
Sector: 4 Module: 4 :   6.0764 -5.784 -0.2
Sector: 4 Module: 5 :   5.92792 -2.811 -1.175
Sector: 4 Module: 6 :   5.86398 -0.985 -2.868
Sector: 4 Module: 7 :   5.80904 0.757 -4.76
Sector: 4 Module: 8 :   5.76741 2.335 -6.762
Sector: 5 Module: 1 :   13.773 -8.892 3.525
Sector: 5 Module: 2 :   9.792 -6.404 2.114
Sector: 5 Module: 3 :   5.839 -4.09 0.166
Sector: 5 Module: 4 :   2.103 -2.054 -2.261
Sector: 5 Module: 5 :   -1.255 0.019 -3.543
Sector: 5 Module: 6 :   -3.486 1.011 -5.786
Sector: 5 Module: 7 :   -5.657 1.896 -8.288
Sector: 5 Module: 8 :   -7.665 2.611 -10.93
Sector: 6 Module: 1 :   28.493 -2.988 10.778
Sector: 6 Module: 2 :   21.492 -4.576 8.76
Sector: 6 Module: 3 :   14.609 -6.03 5.96
Sector: 6 Module: 4 :   8.143 -7.263 2.46
Sector: 6 Module: 5 :   2.245 -8.585 0.627
Sector: 6 Module: 6 :   -1.536 -9.127 -2.626
Sector: 6 Module: 7 :   -5.217 -9.585 -6.248
Sector: 6 Module: 8 :   -8.565 -9.92 -10.09

Tof Shift

Due to the mdc-tof overlaps the tof has to be shifted for the simulation:
difference of position mdc plane IV 1st alignment version and new alignment version.
where no plane IV chamber exists a plane III is taken. (exception Sector 2: additional shift of 2 mm):


For geometry files for simulation

  • FD stones (mdc stabilization stones) shifted to remove overlaps
  • sector geometry enlarged by target shift: 28mm (towards accelerator)

thus only these overlaps remain (unit=cm):
* overlap ov31/SEC4_o_1_4: vol=SEC4 CKIV_4> ovlp=0.119696
* overlap ov32/SEC3_o_1_3: vol=SEC3 CKIV_3> ovlp=0.0454732
* overlap ov33/SEC6_o_1_3: vol=SEC6 CKIV_6> ovlp=0.00444346
* overlap ov34/SEC5_o_1_4: vol=SEC5 CKIV_5> ovlp=0.000603774
* overlap ov35/TFN2_o_0_1: vol=TFN2 T24F_2> ovlp=0.0001003
* overlap ov36/TFN2_o_2_3: vol=TFN2 T26F_2> ovlp=0.0001003
* overlap ov37/TFN3_o_0_1: vol=TFN3 T24F_3> ovlp=0.0001003
* overlap ov38/TFN3_o_2_3: vol=TFN3 T26F_3> ovlp=0.0001003
* overlap ov39/TFN5_o_0_1: vol=TFN5 T24F_5> ovlp=0.0001003
* overlap ov40/TFN5_o_2_3: vol=TFN5 T26F_5> ovlp=0.0001003
* overlap ov41/TFN6_o_0_1: vol=TFN6 T24F_6> ovlp=0.0001003
* overlap ov42/TFN6_o_2_3: vol=TFN6 T26F_6> ovlp=0.0001003

concluding :
  • mdc-magnet overlaps are kept, because position is found by new alignment method (photomodeler, hopefully the overlaps are not active parts)
  • tof-tof overlaps can be neglected

geo files can be found here: /u/hadalign/aug04/macro/geofiles/aug04/fulltarget

RICH Optic Correction

according to Thomas the 2 mm shift of the target towards the accelerator can be neglected, thus parameters can be put to oracle for simulation and experiment

Parameter in Oracle

version: 65 - 3-seg. target
version: 64 - full target

-- YvonnePachmayer - 25 Aug 2005
Topic revision: r7 - 2005-10-03, YvonnePachmayer
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