Here i would like to present very compact comparison in the lepton analysis of the EXP data.
In all pictures 4 sets of the data are always presented:
Full Target without MDC HV problems
Full Target with MDC HV problems
3 Segmented Target without MDC HV problems
3 Segmented Target with MDC HV problems
First i would like to present comparison without any single lepton cut. Only narrow matching windows have been applied.
THe same set of parameters has been applied in case of both types of target. It should be re-check if the 3 segmented target has the same
matching windows.
Momentum, no cuts
Phi no cuts
Theta, no cuts
Momentum with division for system and for polarity, no cuts
Phi with division for charges, no cuts
Theta with division for charges, no cuts
Phi with division for system and for polarity, no cuts
Momentum, all cuts
Phi all cuts
Theta, all cuts
Momentum with division for system and for polarity, all cuts
Phi with division for charges, all cuts
Theta with division for charges, all cuts
Phi with division for system and for polarity, all cuts
Much higher yield in the high theta can be directly connected with the problem with one of the segment during experiment.
Two plot below show the distribution of the Z vs R of the target and also Z vs THETA. Here one can clearly see that for
the first trget we have biggest amount of the counts.
Conversion could be cutted with direct cut on Theta < 65 or more sofisticated one Theta vs Z ?
It is also important to compare results from both sets of targets after dilepton analysis.
GosiaSudol - 11 April 2007