Background Aug04 - Experiment and Simulation
The experimental data and the pluto simulation are normalized accordingly.
Further checks
comparison of background calculated using like sign method both for experiment and pluto simulation. further drawn in is the true cb
from pluto simulation.
- comparison:
substracting the cb background from pluto simulation from experimental data
- substraction:
substracting the true cb background from pluto simulation from experimental data
- substarction:
shown are the main contributions of the cb, one thus gets a better feeling where the "step" comes from
- background main contributions:
Comparison Experiment and Simulation
- e-e- no cuts on pair level:
- e+e+ no cuts on pair level:
- e-e- after all cuts:
- e+e+ after all cuts:
- likesign background after no cuts on pair level:
- likesign background after all cuts on pair level:
- likesign background after all cuts on pair level (maximum scaled to 1):
- cb after all cuts ratio of experiment and simulation:
- like sign background as a function of opening angle after all cuts:
- like sign background as a function of pt after all cuts:
- like sign background as a function of rapidity after all cuts:
- geometric mean:
- e-e-:
* batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
* batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
- batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
- batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
Pluto Simulation
- geometric mean:
- batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
- batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
- batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
YvonnePachmayer - 18 Mar 2007