pi+ and pi- m_t spectra for C+C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar+KCl at 1.76 A GeV
(1/(m_t*m_t))*dN/dm_t [1./(MeV/c^2)^3] distributions in separate rapidity bins
multiplicity in LVL1 trigger events (trigger biased), data shown from a full acceptance region
to one LVL1 event, to 1 MeV/c^2
NOT normalized to rapidity unit, just yield in +-0.1 window in y_lab
list of files:
1 row contents: m_t-m_pi (center of bin, in MeV/c), yield, error
Rapidity bins: C1C C2C ArKCl
y_cm = 0.677 y_cm=0.904 y_cm = 0.857
y_lab - y_cm bin bin bin
(in y_lab units)
-0.7 to -0.5 1 1
-0.5 -0.3 1 2 2
-0.3 -0.1 2 3 3
-0.1 +0.1 3 4 4 == midrapidity
+0.1 +0.3 4 5 5
+0.3 +0.5 5 6 6
+0.5 +0.7 6 7 7
+0.7 +0.9 7
trigger bias:
To get multiplicity for minimum bias, the data points have to be divided by the trigger enhancement factor F = A_part(LVL1)/A_part(min.bias):
CC1 8.61/6
CC2 8.38/6
ArKCl 38.5 /19.25
data are published in:
CC: Eur. Phys. J. A 40 (2009) 45 (also arXiv:0902.4377 [nucl-ex]), Fig. 8 and 9
ArKCl: Phys.Rev. C84 (2011) 014902 (also arXiv:1103.0876 [nucl-ex]) Fig.4
For ArKCl pi+ and pi- averaged data are shown with different normalization:
normalization a) to unit of y_lab (multiplied by 5)
b) divided by A_part=38.5
c) in (1/!GeV/c^2)^3 i.e. by factor of 10^9 larger
all ArKCl mt spectra are shown in Fig.1 in arXiv:0906.2309v1 (Bormio 2009). Fig.1 shows the multiplicity per a 25
MeV bin, so to compare to the tables attached here one has to divide it by 25.
PavelTlusty - 20 Jun 2013