Comparison: old and new tracking
comparison of old and tracking algorithm using urqmd (mainly hadrons) and pluto simulations.
new tracking: version 2
old tracking: version 1
red: new tracking, 2
black: old tracking,1
effi= no of hmdchitsim tracks/mdcgeant
with and without chi2cut
- efficiency URQMD - old and new tracking algorithm:
- efficiency PLUTO: old and new tracking algorithm:
The effiency for the pluto simulations is low for the inner mdcs.
The efficiency will improve if one uses only tracks, which were measured/reconstructed in all detectors.
Further in the inner mdc one has more close pairs from conversion - here the reconstruction is worse. Due to the magentic field it, there are less conversion pairs in the outer chambers (->efficiency higher).
x,y, xdir and ydir Resolution as well as vertex reconstruction
2. comparison of x, y, phi, theta, vertex
xdiff= MdcGeantx-HMdcHitsim.fdata.x
ydiff analog
phi and theta:
thetadiff analog
vertexz=vertex from geant
the pictures:
1st row: new tracking
2nd row: old tracking
3rd row: new tracking-oldtracking
from left to right: xdiff, ydiff, phidiff, thetadiff, vertexdiff
all graphs normalized to 1
- comparison URQMD:
- comparison PLUTO:
the two tracking algorithms do not give large differences.
YvonnePachmayer - 29 Oct 2005