How To

  1. take alignment from real data
  2. overlap checker, remove overlaps with magnet or other detectors
  3. put 1) to oracle
  4. edit geaini file such that no geofiles are used, but instead the parameters from oracle take ideal geometry and take history date now, uncomment the hit files (example: geainiAug04.dat)
  5. use createGeoFilesAug04Align.C
    • include geaini file from 4.
    • use runid from real data (from 1.)
      -> output: geo files
  6. use macro testAug04NewAlignmentGeometry.C:
    • create geaini file: put geo files inside which were created in 5., include hit files overlap checker will be run, overlaps and extrusions listed (example: geainiAug04geofiles.dat)
  7. remove overlaps
    • sect align (always 3 numbers have to be changed (z-coordinate)) numbers correspond to target shift sector will be enlarged in direction of the accelerator
    • frames (shift stones, which belong to mdc)
    • maybe sector has to be enlarged towards the end
  8. repeat steps 6. and 7. until all overlaps are removed
  9. load the changed geo files in geant and check:
      dcut sec1 1 0 0 0 0.04 0.04
      dcut sec1 1 -100 0 0 0.04 0.04 // cut in x
      dcut cave 1 0 5 10 0.04 0.04
      zoom 0
10. put the found geo files to oracle using writeGeomAug04AlignToOra.C (this calls geaini file, in which all found geo files have to be included)
11. validate the geo files as user halo



-- YvonnePachmayer - 14 Aug 2005

Topic revision: r5 - 2006-06-28, YvonnePachmayer
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