Fitting out of the mid-rapidity range

The plot below shows systematics for the parameters extracted from common fit to π+ and π-.


Plots below present few examples of the fits when T1 and T2 parameters are free in the fit. Those fits correspond to the green case from the summary plot which is plotted on the top of the page.



Plots below present few examples of the fits when both T1 and T2 parameters are fixed in the fit. They are fixed to the values which are obtained from the mid-rapidity fit. Those fits correspond to the red case from the summary plot which is plotted on the top of the page.


The difference in the rapidity distribution between integrated yield using double-Boltzmann fit (blue spectra) and Coulomb-modified double-Boltzmann (red spectra). As one can see there is not much difference in the case of π-, and around 5% less yield using Coulomb-modified spectra for π+.


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Topic revision: r3 - 2020-12-04, GosiaSudol
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