Please find below all the collected information about the availability of simulation.

  • SMASH --> Christoph contacted group. Our contact person is Justin Mohs. First results have been sent around. Gosia will run sufficient statistics.
  • PHSD (v4.5)--> Gosia has contacted Elena. Our contact person is Taesoo Song. First results have been sent to us. Files are already at GSI under /luster/hades/user/sudol/phsd_v4_5
  • IQMD --> Yvonne will have a look for the IQMD events with potential. Those events were used for the comparison with HADES data which has been used for kaon paper.
  • GiBUU --> Gosia forgot about that model ;-)
Implementation of the relevant potential for kaons.

*GiBUU kiss

E.g., on Slide 8 of we show the potential implementations of a potential.
There are two ways:
1) The Skyrme way: A (non-relativistic, classical) potential given as U_0 is recalculated as a potential V, which is simply a mass shift.
2) The RMF way: A real 4-dim potential U_\mu is provided. --- This works only for very small energies!

*Smash kiss

We still don’t have strangeness potentials in the Smash. Maybe one can still get reasonable results for the Kaons with just all of our strange resonances.

One thing that one can try is to have the threshold for the scattering processes be affected by the potentials. That is still referring to the baryon and symmetry potentials but might influence the strangeness production. One can add Potentials_Affect_Thresholds: True in the Lattice section of the configuration file. While the Kaons themselves are not affected by the potentials, I wouldn’t say they are completely independent of the EOS since they are affected by the dynamics of baryons via scatterings. Note that strange baryons do feel the Skyrme potential in the Smash.
Example of the spectra provided by the models.





Below are a few lines from the mail of Elena where she explains the present situation of the code

Right now we are finalizing the paper on the "In-medium effects in strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions at (sub-)threshold energies" where we finally(!) realized our big, very complicated and very long project on the implementation of the novel G-matrix for K- from Laura Tolos and Daniel Cabrera and in-medium effects for K+
in the PHSD 4.0+. Here the whole low energy strangeness dynamics in modified accordingly! Thus, we would largely prefer if you compare your data with this code in a future! There will be no need any more to use the HSD1.5 (low energy version of HSD with "old" G-matrix) or old versions of the big PHSD (where G-matrix was not incorporated).
In this study we included the comparison to practically the most of available exp. data on K+, K- , K0, K0s ! (Actually, our results are very close to those from HSD1.5).


-- GosiaSudol - 03 Dec 2020
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Topic revision: r4 - 2021-01-14, GosiaSudol
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