Oracle WebDB
Oracle WebDB consists of two parts:
- WebDB, a complete framework to manage the database with a web-based graphical interface and to develop web-based applications on the data.
WebDB is not supported anymore by Oracle (but it still works). The actual successors are Oracle Portal and Oracle Xpress.
- WebDB Site, organized as a tree of folders and containing mainly links to WebDB components or stored packages. It provides structures to organize, classify and cross-reference these items.
This is the user interface for the HADES collaboration and meant when we talk about WebDB.
Link to WebDB:
Login as HADES with the standard password. You have read access to most applications and may insert comments in the beam time logbook.
To insert and change data (for example to validate parameters) you must login as a special user (accounts *_OPER).
All detector groups have for example such an account, which allows the people to change the data specific for their detector, but not the data of an other one.

Almost all browsers, besides the MS Internet Explorer, keep the name and password of the first login in the cache. You must either clear the cache or kill the browser before you can switch to an other user.
You can see the user name after login in the page header.
Page layout
navigation bar on the left side shows the links to the main folders.
If you click on a folder link you see links to sub-folders (if existing and you have the privilege to see them) and below links to the applications in the folder. The footer of each folder page also shows the links to the parent folders.
The tree of folders you can see when you click on the link
Side Map in the navigation bar.

Some applications are shown in full screen without the navigation bar on the left side. Click on this icon to go back to the folder.

Shows help information (descriptions, instructions, ...) typically in a pop-up window.
- Browser
This folder contains various applications to browser database tables, views and code.
- DAQ & Beamtime
You find here the links to see ( and partially insert/change)
- the beam time logbook
- the hift plans
- beam time informations and runs
- DAQ restarts (initialization of sub-systems, trigger and target configurations)
- trigger Box and scaler configurations
- Magnet and Cryo
This folder contains various reports and graphs regarding the magnet and the cryo plant as current, temperatures, valve settings, ...
- Slow Control
The applications are grouped in 4 parts:
- Documentation of the Oracle accounts for online and offline storage of slow control data
- Online: Access to slow control data (raw data, summaries, spill data) during a beam time
- Offline: Access to the data of all former beam times
- Online Monitoring during a beam time
The main applications are the GUI for the thresholds and the documentation of the Oracle account RICH_ANA.
The folder contains various applications to view the detector setup, the mounting of MBOs, DBOs and FPC cables, data of the ASD8 chips, lookup tables and the documentation of the Oracle account MDC_ANA
Non-public applications are the GUIS to show and validate DBO thresholds, to show and change the LVL1 -ROC cabling and the mounting of MBOs and DBOs.
- Analysis Logbook
The analysis logbook was used until June 2005 before we moved to the HADES forum and Wiki.
- Run Validation
In this folder you find information about the runs validated by the different detector groups for DST production including a complete GUI to validate runs.
- HYDRA Params
This folder contains applications to search for analysis parameters and parameter releases.
Sub folders contain GUIs to search and validate Tree-style and Condition-Style parameter containers.
HYDRA Params is a sub-folder of folder Analysis, which has also a non-public sub-folder Maintenance. This folder contains for example a forms to make a parameter release (access by user HALO).
- Simulation
You may here search for simulation projects and sub-projects and corresponding reference runs
- Geometry
Public applications provide access to the full detector geometry. A non-public GUI allows to validate geometry and media versions.
- HADES Collab.
Applications in this folder lets you search for actual and former HADES people (addresses, phone and fax numbers), for collaborations lists used for conferences and papers and for conference contributions of HADES people.
A non-public folder contains applications to insert and change data of institutes and people and to create new or modify collaboration lists.
- Documentation
Here you find for example documentation on some Oracle accounts.
IlseKoenig - 28 Jun 2007