How to unpack the TRB data
How to unpack the TRB data - the simplest way.
1. copy the directory: /u/shower/trb_unpack/macros/ to your location.
2. run the script: .
3. compile your macro: make -f Makefile_dev
4. run the program: ./analysisDST be07127224427.hld 44446
you should see errors like this: "TDC 3 Error $0010 ($61000010)" :)
5. open your output file: root -l /s/shower/be07127224427_TRB_test.root
6. plot the multiplicity: T.Draw("HHodoRaw.fData.nHits")
How to unpack the TRB data - a little bit more complicated way.
1. install 2 modules (base, hodo) of Hades HYDRA analysis package:
a. base - provides methods to access and unpack the HLD file
b. hodo - creates data structure for storing unpacked information
- create the working directory, example: /u/shower/trb_unpack/macros
- set the CVSROOT: export CVSROOT=/misc/halo/repos/anal/
- checkout base and hodo:
cvs checkout base
cvs checkout hodo
- set the enviroment: copy the following script to your working dir:
/u/shower/trb_unpack/ - open and adapt one line in this script !!
run the script:
- compile base module:
cd base; make ; make install; cd -;
- compile hodo module:
cd hodo; make ; make install; cd -;
2. now you are ready to unpack the hld file:
- copy the following dir: /s/shower/trb_unpack_s/macros/ to your working directory
- if you are in a new terminal run the script: again.
- edit file: -- adapt it to your needs (output path)
- compile: make -f Makefile_dev -- analysisDST will be created
- The file available for analysis: /misc/scratch.lxg0444/shower/hld_jurek/be07127224427.hld
- run: ./analysisDST be07127224427.hld 30000
have fun .... for this file you should see a lot of errors :)
JerzyPietraszko - 16 Jan 2007