Apr06TrackEmedding: test;

MDC Analysis Scheme

The MDC analysis running fom raw data on hld level to fitted tracks with momentum determination and Vertex finding can be generalized as the following:


For detailed information of the different steps click on the header of the topic .

MdcDigitizerJochenMarkert (Class to simulate MDC response from GEANT MDC )

The HMdcDigitizer will read GEANT information about hits from HGeantMdc and convert them into drift time measurements folding in the response of the MDCs. For detailed informatio nof the different steps click on the header of the topic .

MdcCal1JochenMarkert (Offsets+Slopes)

In Data Analysis after unpacking the HMdcRaw level is filled. This data level contains the measured data in a hardware oriented way, which means the measured information is stored by hardware addresses sector, module, motherboard and tdc channel. The raw time measurements from the TDCs have to be converted to calibrated drift times, which will be later used for track reconstruction. For detailed information of the different steps click on the header of the topic .

MdcCal2JochenMarkert (Distance from wire/drift time)

For detailed information click on the header of the topic .

MdcCellEffJochenMarkert (Cuts in Cell Efficiency used in HMdcDigitizer)

For detailed information click on the header of the topic .

MdcWireStatJochenMarkert (Status of a single Drift Cell (working/not working))

For detailed information click on the header of the topic .

MdcTimeCutsJochenMarkert (Cuts in Cal1 time1,time2-time1 and time2 (not used))

For detailed information click on the header of the topic .

MdcDeDxJochenMarkert (Pseudo Energyloss extracted from time measurements)

For detailed information click on the header of the topic .

GARFIELD (E-Field,B-Field,gas properties, drift velocicy calculation)

For detailed information click on the header of the topic .

HadesOnlineMonitorJochenMarkert (based on Go4)

For detailed information click on the header of the topic .

-- JochenMarkert - 18 Feb 2004
Topic revision: r21 - 2008-04-03, JochenMarkert
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