Howto set environment for PidTrackCandidate exercise
(Tuesday morning ~11 a.m.)

P. Tlusty

If you have problems with any step, please contact me before the lecture.

1. run script for setting hydra and root environment

. /misc/hadessoftware/install/hydra-dev/

2.check whether you have file .rootrc in your home directory:

cd ls -a .rootrc

if not, copy it : cp /u/hadestof/.rootrc .

3. copy the directory with example macros

go to your home directory cd

copy the directory with example macros

cp -r /d/hades/pid/PID_MACROS/HADRONS/pidtrackcand_macros . cd pidtrackcand_macros

4. test if everything is ok:

cd draw_dst root -l draw_dst.C

If everything is ok, picture with histogram showing distribution of tracks in sectors will appear.

-- PavelTlusty - 03 Jul 2007
Topic revision: r1 - 2007-07-03, PavelTlusty
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