Macros for checking of content of the PidTrackCandidate

Documentation and macros:

documentation on PidTrackCandidate particle ID:

macros for pidtrackcandidate qa: /d/hades/pid/PID_MACROS/HADRONS/pidtrackcand_macros

1. quality check of dst's:

see qa plots and root files produced during the DST production

a) QA pdf file

e.g. /misc/scratch2.lxg0443/pavel/sep05/gen1a/dst/ pages 18-19

b) QA hist.root file

/misc/scratch2.lxg0443/pavel/sep05/gen1a/dst/ ArKCl_urqmd_386_21614events.1_dst.ps_hist.root

see macros in ./pidtrackcand_macros/plot_qa

c) production of own QA histograms

2. reading PidTrackCandidate variables from the DST root file

a) T->Draw() see ./pidtrackcand_macros/draw_dst simple, cannot display correctly corellations

b) macro filling histograms see ./pidtrackcand_macros/fill_histos_from_dst or filling of beta-vs-momentum 2D histograms in ./pidtrackcand_macros/2DHISTOS

3. ntuple with PidTrackCandidate variables

filled with the HTrackNtupleMaker task during the DST production see

example ntuple: /misc/scratch2.lxg0443/pavel/sep05/gen1a/dst/ArKCl_urqmd_386_21614events.1_ntuple.root

a) N->Draw() example macro ./pidtrackcand_macros/draw_ntuple

b) filling of histograms ./pidtrackcand_macros/fill_histos_from_ntuple

-- PavelTlusty - 27 Jun 2007
Topic revision: r2 - 2007-07-19, PavelTlusty
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